it's all part of Nov 06 ..
the press states over and over again that Bush is bad, the country is failing and no one likes him (though the tax cuts continue and we were 80 something points from all time new DJ high last week
), joe six pack gets it in his pee brain 'bush is bad, the minority like him.. I do not want to be in the minority... bush is republican .. do not want to be in the minority .. I will vote dumacrat... beep beep .. joe can't vote the issues as the dems don't have any and joe wouldn't understand them anyways..
the problem I have with Bush is that he does not grand stand every good thing and take all the credit for it though he may have had nothing to do with it and bite is lower lip during the bad times while blaming others like slick did .. now that's the makings of a great pres
the Bush legacy maybe determined by a dumbacrat ...
if/when one gets in the big house and withdraws our forces from the middle east while claiming it was all just a big oil right wing republican mistake/lie .. Iraq could end as a huge expensive failure ... and the dems hail themselves as some sort of heroes .. well at least until the 1st Iranian mushroom cloud blossoms over NY or LA..