Well well well...Boys
"Firstly this refers to how much value of energy goes into creating machinery. Even though your impressive CV is there, your statement needs an answer. So step yer hill and explain how a piece of machinerey can be sold at a less price than the energy AND effort that went into it.
Ummmmm......Angus...we`re talking C02 ouput to the atmosphere. The point is...if you start at the BEGINNING of the process , instead of in the middle or near the end, such as you seem to do, you will be producing more C02 than you can ever hope to take care of.Remember? Remember the global warming theory you`re so fond of? Could care less about dollars/cents as stated before. It doesn`t enter into global warming...........other than it will end up costing us in the long run for nothing....or be forgotten all together."
Ummmmm is not a very good answer.
I am yet again talking about the CO2 balance yes. And I do start in the BEGINNING, - actually inspired by yourself. Well, there is this logical statement that pulled you of the saddle, - now I'll even word it nicely and much more precizely:
Mass produced machinery CANNOT cost less than the energy and effort put into it.
There is only one exception, - someone is loosing money on the way. And it has a truth to it - Earth itself. How? Well, total plunder. How much? Well, in the sequence of building one John Deere from the ore in the mine onwards, actually not much exceeding massive use of fossile created energy. And how much is that worth and where is that value? Oh, - stuck in the price I'm afraid.
So, it's a calculable value, not accurate, but rough.
And yet there is quite some buffer available. But bear in mind that I am only referring to the CO2-in vs CO2-out regarding agriculture on it's own balance.
BTW thank you for inspiring me to do the speculation on the princip. Never knew exactly how it was done. But the 10% estimate was done by various institutions in Europe as far as some 15-20 years ago.
Bear in mind Jackal that if you want to complicate things by dumping out a smoke grenade, you will have to avoid getting lost in the fog yourself.
And then, for this:
" Remember the global warming theory you`re so fond of?"
I have little doubt that the globe is warming and I am trying to get a little picture about why. I am not YET in the camp of those who belive it's all man-made-CO2 emission to blame, but as I look into the logics of those in the other camps, I might end up there. Ok here's my little definition of the camps
A. No global warming happening
B. Maybe some warming, but nothing out of the ordinary, all been seen before.
C. There is warming and we should look carefully into this to see if it has something to do with us, be it CO2, deforestation, etc.
D. It's heating at a very quick rate, and it's most or all our fault, and we must react NOW or we're toast.
Some here may rank as "A", I would put you in B with G.Bush, I'm at C, and Beetle as well as Stephen Hawkinge are at D.
Ponder on it, and here's a little more on the Curriculum as well as some corrections on the remarks
Broken ribs don't need sewing up.
35 cows here is average. With bucket machines it's a lot.
My oldest computes is still sticking together and working. (1992 model 486)
Salted horsemeat is a powersource indeed, - for your intests.
My place is not melting. I have also some 120 feet to SL...hehe.
I did indeed have to plod the snow to school.
I never lived in a perfect scenario.
I hate paperwork.
Today I've been cultivating a field and driving turf.
Oh, forgot it I do have an Agricultural degree.
And an extra add-on in organic farming.
There is definately something missing......