Author Topic: israel in war  (Read 5972 times)

Offline bj229r

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israel in war
« Reply #15 on: July 15, 2006, 09:20:13 AM »
This is why Israel has to hammer them into the ground:

 For four decades we have been told that the cause of the anger, violence and terror against Israel is its occupation of the territories seized in that war. End the occupation and the "cycle of violence" ceases.

The problem with this claim was that before Israel came into possession of the West Bank and Gaza in the Six-Day War, every Arab state had rejected Israel's right to exist and declared Israel's pre-1967 borders -- now deemed sacred -- to be nothing more than the armistice lines suspending, and not ending, the 1948-49 war to exterminate Israel.

But you don't have to be a historian to understand the intention of Israel's enemies. You only have to read today's newspapers.

Exhibit A: Gaza. Just last September, Israel evacuated Gaza completely. It declared the border between Israel and Gaza an international frontier, renouncing any claim to the territory. Gaza became the first independent Palestinian territory in history. Yet the Gazans continued the war. They turned Gaza into a base for launching rocket attacks against Israel and for digging tunnels under the border to conduct attacks such as the one that killed two Israeli soldiers on June 25 and yielded a wounded hostage brought back to Gaza. Israeli tanks have now had to return to Gaza to try to rescue the hostage and suppress the rocket fire.

Exhibit B: South Lebanon. Two weeks later, the Lebanese terror organization, Hezbollah, which has representation in the Lebanese parliament and in the cabinet, launched an attack into Israel on Wednesday that resulted in the deaths of eight soldiers and the wounding of two others, who were brought back to Lebanon as hostages.

What's the grievance here? Israel withdrew from Lebanon completely in 2000. It was so scrupulous in making sure that not one square inch of Lebanon was left inadvertently occupied that it asked the United Nations to verify the exact frontier defining Lebanon's southern border and retreated behind it. This "blue line" was approved by the Security Council, which declared that Israel had fully complied with resolutions demanding its withdrawal from Lebanon.

Grievance satisfied. Yet what happens? Hezbollah has done to South Lebanon exactly what Hamas has done to Gaza: turned it into a military base and terrorist operations center from which to continue the war against Israel. South Lebanon bristles with Hezbollah's 10,000 Katyusha rockets that put northern Israel under the gun. Fired in the first hours of fighting, just 85 of these killed two Israelis and wounded 120 in Israel's northern towns.
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Offline lazs2

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israel in war
« Reply #16 on: July 15, 2006, 09:24:38 AM »
well nelson... I could be wrong but to most Americans the your-0-peeans seem very anti semetic and biggoted in general.  

It could be just a myth that a whole bunch of people believe just like.... your-0-peeans all seem to believe that the U.S., the most integrated society in the world, is full of biggots.


Offline Nilsen

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israel in war
« Reply #17 on: July 15, 2006, 09:29:54 AM »
Free press allows for all views in the media.

We dont see things as much in black and white as you do.Its just like the constant use of the word anti-amercan if some would dare criticise america on issues.

Its expected from you tho i guess.. trying desperatly to insult by namcalling. Most people outgrow that by the time they hit 14.

Offline lazs2

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israel in war
« Reply #18 on: July 15, 2006, 09:38:37 AM »
Ooops... struck a nerve.   I did not say anything about anti-American.

I simply said that Americans percieve your-0-peeeans as being anti semetic and your-0-peeans percieve Americans as being biggoted.

I never believe anything in the press so you can't lay that one on me.  I go by what people actually say.   On this BB I don't think anyone can miss the your-0-peean anti semetic feel.

I have no idea how you stand on it.  You may or may not be like most your-0-peeans.   You haven't said many anti semetic things here that I can point to.


Offline Nilsen

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« Reply #19 on: July 15, 2006, 09:45:52 AM »
nahh.. didnt strike a nerve at all.

The most likley reason for hearing "anti-semetic" things here from europeans is that fact that the majority of the things on this BBS from the americans tend to be (understandable to some degree) "anti-arabic" or "anti-muslim"


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israel in war
« Reply #20 on: July 15, 2006, 09:49:21 AM »
Originally posted by Nilsen
All in your head lazs
 < Like Hell it is !


« Last Edit: July 15, 2006, 09:51:37 AM by CHECKERS »
Originally posted by Panman
God the BK's are some some ugly mo-fo's. Please no more pictures, I'm going blind Bet your mothers don't even love ya cause u'all sooooooooo F******* ulgy.

Offline Jackal1

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israel in war
« Reply #21 on: July 15, 2006, 10:14:02 AM »
Get some Israel!
Although terrorism will not be stopped as a whole, it is good to see another country getting in the mix on it`s own without having to be dragged, kicking and screaming/whining just to save face.
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Offline EagleEyes

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israel in war
« Reply #22 on: July 15, 2006, 10:24:54 AM »

Israel has every right to defend herself, and if the US should get dragged into this, so be it.  Its our duty to stop any country that wants to harm us or our freinds and allies.  And i dont want to sounds like a war obsessor.  War is bad, but if its needed, let it be.  What would the world be like if Hitler's 3rd Reich was still around??

God Bless Israel and The United States of America!!


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Offline Nilsen

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israel in war
« Reply #23 on: July 15, 2006, 10:33:07 AM »
Both Lebanon and Israel has a right to defend themselves.

Neither of them gets a thumbs-up from me.

Hizbolla started, but Israel responded way to harsh.

Offline bj229r

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israel in war
« Reply #24 on: July 15, 2006, 11:39:25 AM »
Originally posted by Nilsen
Both Lebanon and Israel has a right to defend themselves.

Neither of them gets a thumbs-up from me.

Hizbolla started, but Israel responded way to harsh.

You cannot see a difference between Hizbollah / Hamas making their life's work targeting Jewish women and children, versus Israel defending itself? Really don't know how to respond to that. Overwhelming force is the only thing that even has a NEGligible effect on these people. Your view seems to mirror that of the EU/UN as well..of course, THEY don't have suicide bombers and rockets raining down on them every day for generations
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Offline Nilsen

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israel in war
« Reply #25 on: July 15, 2006, 11:49:55 AM »
Originally posted by bj229r
You cannot see a difference between Hizbollah / Hamas making their life's work targeting Jewish women and children, versus Israel defending itself? Really don't know how to respond to that. Overwhelming force is the only thing that even has a NEGligible effect on these people. Your view seems to mirror that of the EU/UN as well..of course, THEY don't have suicide bombers and rockets raining down on them every day for generations

Israel are killing civilians too and hitting infrastructure that makes life for the innocent worse. Its right there on the news for everyone to see... unless its cencored.

Overwhelming force makes little differece.

Would the US roll over and play dead if someone struck you REALLY hard or would you be more determened to kick back?

Offline jamesdeanoo7

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israel in war
« Reply #26 on: July 15, 2006, 12:02:48 PM »
I suppose the only thing I find confusing is the attack on Beirut International airport. Isnt that an internation civilian airport???? werent there aircraft from other nations there ????

Offline Nilsen

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israel in war
« Reply #27 on: July 15, 2006, 12:07:26 PM »
Originally posted by jamesdeanoo7
I suppose the only thing I find confusing is the attack on Beirut International airport. Isnt that an internation civilian airport???? werent there aircraft from other nations there ????

They didnt hit any planes, but there may have been some stuck on the ground. Maybe the Israeli government gave the airport warning or maybe they hit at night.

Offline BlueJ1

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israel in war
« Reply #28 on: July 15, 2006, 12:09:42 PM »
Israel said that they attacked the runways so it wouldnt continue to be used as a resupply point for the terrorists. The terrorists were supposedly streaming in through the airport.
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Offline ~Caligula~

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israel in war
« Reply #29 on: July 15, 2006, 12:13:59 PM »
hezbollah gets supplies from iran trough the beirut int. airport. that is why it was least that`s what we`re told.

the ship was hit by an iranian made missle. it has the range to reach tel aviv.i`m sure once tel aviv`s hit, we`ll enter lebanon once again.
i hope it won`t happen though, i wish my tax shekels weren`t spent on all this bs.