"Natoma" and the name, and the Corsair, and Iwo....that's all a bit...much.
It's just a toddler, you see.
I know an elf story from a 2 year old. Well, our country is full of elves, and elf stories. (That inspired Tolkien BTW).
Anyway, the little lass was always playing by a rock, - by herself. When asked what she'd been doing, she referred to children and a lady in blue.
(classical elf colours according to the myth)
Anyway, the father recalled that there was supposedly an elf rock on the property, and went to investigate. Well, it was the same one.
(Elf rock is the habitat)
I know these people, and the father is very sceptical of such. He had a bit of a shock there though, and kept saying, "How can a 2 year old make this up"
So, a toddler with Natoma, F4U and Iwo, and a name, -