Okay, well, ive created a squad. Dont laugh. We are the 66th Multi-Role, and we ARE recruiting now. We have a squad night, (Although a time is not set, im going to poll our members and see whats most convinient) and it is on Saturdays. We do not have a website YET, but we will in the next 10 minutes. I have based the name on my USAFA squadron, but only the name and squadron patch/noseart. We do NOT have a dedicated fighter (yet), but we have instituted several unique rules regarding fighters. Every week for the next few weeks, we are cycling countries. What this means is each week our squad only flies fighters from one country, starting with America. We also have a fighter-of-the-day, which squad members recomend to either Reynolds, megawolf, or vandread before 2400 GMT. Members recomend the fighter that they found most effective that day, and whichever seems the best becomes F.O.T.D. That simply means that members must fly that aircraft at least once that day. Both of these rules (Country-of-the-week and Fighter-of-the-day) Were institued to force pilots to experience a wider range of aircraft, which will help them with tactics, and to be a better pilot. (Lets not here any complaints, with this rule, i cannot fly my 109 for well over 2 weeks!). To join us, just contact megawolf, Vandread, or Reynolds in game, or e-mail me at
Echo5dash7@hotmail.comHappy flights, and Godspeed,-Reynolds
66th Multi Role Semper Vigilans