Author Topic: If You Can't Win The Election...  (Read 1254 times)


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If You Can't Win The Election...
« on: November 09, 2000, 03:32:00 PM »
Call in the lawyers and try to get the rules changed.  A new low for the Democrats.  

[This message has been edited by funked (edited 11-09-2000).]

Offline mietla

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If You Can't Win The Election...
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2000, 03:39:00 PM »
ok, let's vote....
ok, two out of three...
ok, three out of five...

Offline Toad

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If You Can't Win The Election...
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2000, 04:08:00 PM »
Best of Seven! Last time, I promise!

Dam! 5 of 9? Deal?

OK, OK..... 6 of 10!

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Offline Regurge

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If You Can't Win The Election...
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2000, 04:21:00 PM »
No wait, that was just a practice vote.

Offline Eagler

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If You Can't Win The Election...
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2000, 04:23:00 PM »
You mean I was only suppose to pick one?

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Offline Mighty1

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If You Can't Win The Election...
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2000, 04:36:00 PM »
More of "Oh wait I'm stupid, Let me vote again".

How do these people know they voted wrong?

If they could prove they voted wrong and they were too stupid to change it MAYBE just MAYBE I could see a revote but as it is the only thing they can prove is that they were STUPID.
I have been reborn a new man!

Notice I never said a better man.

Offline Sancho

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If You Can't Win The Election...
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2000, 04:53:00 PM »
This is easy.  I learned how to fix this when I was 6 years old.  The people of Florida need a "do-over".

Offline Ripsnort

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If You Can't Win The Election...
« Reply #7 on: November 09, 2000, 05:39:00 PM »
Funked, you are correct, even if the 'Pub's did this, I would feel the same way...its a sad day for our constitution and Lawyers have hit a new low, there's dead men who fought and died for that constitution that are turning in their graves as we speak...

Offline Toad

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If You Can't Win The Election...
« Reply #8 on: November 09, 2000, 05:58:00 PM »
I, too, would feel the same way no matter which candidate would become President.

It may still go either way. I say a vote is a vote. Recount and verify, sure.

But enough is enough. There is no "do over". Voting is a sacred and solemn responsibility. It has to be done right the first time.
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Offline Eagler

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If You Can't Win The Election...
« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2000, 07:02:00 PM »
Originally posted by Ripsnort:
Funked, you are correct, even if the 'Pub's did this, I would feel the same way...its a sad day for our constitution and Lawyers have hit a new low, there's dead men who fought and died for that constitution that are turning in their graves as we speak...

Yes, Rip I would too but it's not the Republicans it's the Democrats .. AGAIN!
From Jesse Jackson to the last of Gore's $3000 a suit lawyers, THEY are making a mockery of not only the constitution but the entire country itself. And they don't CARE!! These people will do anything, ANYTHING, to win. We are naive to think otherwise.
I'm sorry, it's more than a matter of opinion to me. They are dragging our country DOWN! For me, this election has brought it to a head. I see the leaders of this philosophy as evil, negative. No good for my family or I, no good for the country and in the really big picture - dangerous to the world. The average democrat is not to be included in this group. They are in it for their own personal ideals which justify to them that they are on the right side. The democratic leaders, on the other hand, have an agenda which is a lie to the American people, which they know themselves, yet continue to perpetrate it for their own selfish gains.
Can anyone not see what they are setting up in Florida? Sure Gore & the Democrats want to win but if they don't they will have made it almost impossible for Bush to be a successful President his freshman year in office if not longer. Gore, who instigated this entire farce, when/if he loses, will be cast the "victim". He'll be back in 4 years and clean our clock. This BS will empower the democratic cause with their followers. As no one seems to be able to stand up to them and call a spade a spade without being spun as "mean spirited", I don't see a way out of this toilet bowl spiral I feel our morality is in.      
I believe there was voter fraud to an unparalleled level this election. They are just discovering it in Florida now because they are looking. With paper ballots, it would be so easy to alter a count. As we now have a democratic controlled election group counting our states ballots, knowing the numbers they need to have to win, the outcome is foreseen. Our only hope is the military's vote. Poetic Justice.  If,when, other states are scrutinized I believe voting discrepancies will be discovered there also. Sorry, I don't trust them farther than I can throw them.


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Offline Nash

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If You Can't Win The Election...
« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2000, 07:09:00 PM »
I've read in a few posts now.... people saying things to the effect of "there is no do-over"... there is no re-vote, etc.

From where is that information derived? It simply isn't true.

Offline Toad

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If You Can't Win The Election...
« Reply #11 on: November 09, 2000, 07:30:00 PM »

I see you are showing Canada in your on-line persona.

May I suggest:

as a primer on how our elections work.

There is no provision for re-balloting because of the safeguards that are built into the process. For example, that sample  ballot was published with no resulting complaints.

As an aside, the number of ballots that have been disallowed is apparently consistent with the number that were disallowed in '96. Perhaps those folks haven't bothered to learn how to vote? How to prepare to vote?

Once again, it boils down to personal responsibility and accountability.

Did those people familiarize themselves with the voting process? Did they attempt to understand what they must do to vote correctly?

If so, they would have instantly realized they could ask for another ballot if they made a mistake. In fact, in my state, signs delineating the voting process are on the wall for all to read as they vote.

If they DIDN'T realize they made a mistake, then you have to understand that less than 4% of the voters in that county made an unknowing mistake. Further, this 4% is consistent with what happened in '96 in the same county. In other words, this may be statistically "typical" for this county.

So, if you fail to familiarize yourself with "how to vote", the "rules" for voting at a polling station and the voting process itself.....who is responsible?

If you cannot understand the ballot, who is responsible for seeking help in understanding?

If you failed to examine the ballot carefully beforehand and "plan" your vote who is responsible?

In all of these cases, who is responsible?

That answer is obvious.

Now, if the Gore campaign just can't handle the fact that some of their constituents (and it's almost a sure bet that not ALL of those 19,000 ballots were for Gore) are not responsible voters, I suppose they can drag this through the courts ad infinitum.

If it results in a re-ballot of Florida, I will vociferously and monetarily support an entire new election for the whole US. I don't mean on this board, either.

If we're going to reshuffle the deck and play another hand  EVERYBODY gets to play due to the nature of the media influence on the election.

What a great precedent for future elections, eh?
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Offline Nash

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If You Can't Win The Election...
« Reply #12 on: November 09, 2000, 08:02:00 PM »
Lol - yeah, a horrible precedent Toad. Taking the optimistic  view though, I beleive that the "my vote doesn't count" notion is now completely banished to history. That's a good thing, eh? Also, I think the process itself might undergo some sort of a fixing. Which is also a good thing.

Anyways, thanks for that link Toad. Couldn't find a whiff of Florida voting law in any of those several thousand links though. Care to point it out for me?

The way *I* understand it, "Candian persona" and all, is that while *some* irregularities are tolerated, if it is deemed substantial enough by the courts in Florida, while not specifying the remedies, they have the power to provide "any releif". This would include a myriad of things, obviously, and a re-vote is not counted out.

Sorry for that horrible sentence structure.
Hope it made sense.

Uhm... Oh yah - they have 10 days from the day that the ballot is certified to bring any legal action. There is nothing I can find find that would suggest they need to do this before the election.

The rest of your post was too full of personal sentiment to really comment about. I don't want to get into that stuff, as it's a touchy subject, and everyone is entitled to their opinions. I *do* admire the passion this election has garnered. I happen to prefer patriotism over cynasism. So <S> for that.

About my being from Canada... Yup, born and raised. My Mother (deceased) and Father are American, moving to Canada right after graduating from USC. My Brother went to the same university and is currenlty living in Los Angeles, writing for the LA Times. I myself just moved here after spending several years in NYC going to college and working. And I can in all honesty say that I had more knowledge of US politics than anyone that I ever ran into in NYC. Erhm... ya that is all.

Anyways Toad - if you can point out to me on that site where a re-vote is out of the question on legal grounds I'd be grateful.

Offline easymo

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If You Can't Win The Election...
« Reply #13 on: November 09, 2000, 09:20:00 PM »
 I belive this issue should be decided, by the principles involved, in the time honored way. Through the use of dueling pistols.

 The men chosen as seconds will be critical. Therefore I suggest George Sr. to stand with his son. And Janet Reno to stand with Gore

Offline Yeager

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If You Can't Win The Election...
« Reply #14 on: November 09, 2000, 09:42:00 PM »
Jeepers easymo, I was gonna recommend a simple coin toss but I gotta admit I like yer idea  

Another thing I want to say is that I am totally dismayed that the quality of 19,000 democrats seems to suggest that they cannot understand even a reasonably clear ballot.

I have seen the ballot and I didnt have to put any real thought into it.  Seemed pretty clear to me (perhaps a pistol to the head might have fogged things up for me, I dunno).

I dont want to denegrade those 19,000 poor souls as perpeptually stupid but it seems that the *village smarts* really took a nasty hit of stupid for a few hours there!
I understand there were problems with some being able to READ the ballot and that many had trouble SPEAKING ENGLISH!!!!!!!!!!

If that county in Florida gets to vote again (Ive never heard of the term re-vote, have you, Canadians excluded of course  , then the rest of Florida should get to vote again.
If Florida gets to vote again the I SURE AS HELL WANT TO VOTE AGAIN!!!!!!!

"If someone flips you the bird and you don't know it, does it still count?" - SLIMpkns