Originally posted by lazs2
I think that what funked came up with is an essay that some liberal socialist came up with and tried to taylor to conservative Amercia.
Hehe. The writer is hiding behind a tag of Political Science, not very cleverly released in a magazine that caters to non-beleivers who, not very cleverly are hiding behind the non-religous religion tag of Secualr Humanism. That should clear it up.
The organization is graciously providing great amounts of vaguely hidden propaganda , in any sense of the word, which is in itself a cult while claiming that the believers are a misinformed foolishly and hopelessly lost and misguided by the Evilness of...................religion
" Head my words Brothers and Sisters. Repent and become Godless before it is too late. It is your only hope. A higher being and creator cannot be scientificaly proven."
" Seek out the truth that Hitler was not an atheist. He said so himself and you know how truthful and trustworthy he was. It was the religion who steered him down the wrong path."
.....and other "No we are not" loads of horse crap.
People who are absolutely terrified by something they claim does not exist crack me up.