Well, I think the fact that the Navy named a sub after Carter does nothing to change my opinion that he's a dolt. He dismantled a marvelous, cheap, and effective volunteer "civil defense" organization because it sounded too warlike, and came up with FEMA to replace it. Nice job retard. Of course, it's boosh's fault that FEMA does what ALL govt agencies do when their mission only really gets called on every once in a while... It spends all it's time growing larger in an attempt to justify it's existence. That's EXACTLY the kind of thing that should be left to a nationally organized but locally led volunteer organization. Staff it with volunteers and retired veterans, feed it with ceremony, honors, and surplus military/police/medical gear, and call it up when the shxt hits the fan and see what good work American volunteer organizations can do when needed. Worked fine for decades, and it was disabled primarly to placate the Commies. Well, the Commies are gone so let's bring it back. Oh yea, the big govt types (both dems and Repubs) would never let that happen...
Don't get gooshy about Carter... I truly think he's a great humanitarian but he was a crappy President who is STILL unable to face tough decisions. The NK nuke test is a huge case in point... Had we not gone into Iraq 3 yrs ago, then we'd probably be whining about a synchronized NK/Iraqi nuke test instead of just worrying about the NK test.
Carter... Bah. Yea he's a President and therefore a candidate for naming a carrier or sub, but he's still a tard.