Author Topic: Drop the Fuel Tanks!  (Read 779 times)

Offline Zippatuh

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Drop the Fuel Tanks!
« on: August 27, 2001, 02:12:00 PM »
I’ve noticed a few things lately concerning attacking bases that has me somewhat puzzled about the reasons behind certain actions.  Mainly that certain objects on the ground that are targeted while others are not.  Anti-aircraft emplacements and hangers are not the only targets and on a lot of occasions not the most strategic.

Yes, if the AA is down and so are the hangers the base is effectively closed.  Leaving the fuel and ammunitions bunkers intact will help with keeping the base as well as using it for an offensive attack.  However, it is very rare that as the AA and hangers are all down that a C47 is ready and available to take the base before a hanger opens.

Drop the fuel tanks!  Many times I have seen individuals radio out to stop porking a field that we need the resource when it’s taken.  The problem with that is, we haven’t taken it yet.  If the numbers change in the smallest degree the defending base will gain the upper hand since aircraft showing up are loaded down, slower, and lower.  They also have the ability to counter-attack and meet JABO aircraft half way to target which gives them even more of an advantage.

It’s pretty simple.  If the defending base has no fuel or 25% anyway, they will not be able to defend it well.  There has been a handful of occasions I have shown up on station with a furball (CAP) above the field, AA and VH down, with the fuel at 125%.  After specifically taking the fuel tanks down the resistance seems to drop considerably.

The following is my order of importance showing up to an attack:

1) Anti-aircraft emplacements
2) Vehicle hanger
3) Fuel Tanks
4) Ammunitions bunkers
5) Fighter hangers
6) Bomber hangers

With an organized attack the priorities change with target assignment.  Most land grabs are not organized.  I do not think that I can stress enough to please drop the fuel tanks.

Zippatuh <---<Wishing there was a “knights only” discussion, hehe>

Offline Weave

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Drop the Fuel Tanks!
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2001, 02:24:00 PM »
Switch No. 1 and 2 in their priority order. VH should be number one before any gv's spawn. Acks are easy to kill. With the invunerable M-16, and stout Osty about base capture is indeed tougher.

Offline AKDejaVu

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Drop the Fuel Tanks!
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2001, 02:32:00 PM »
My priorities:

1) Vehicle hanger
2) Anti-aircraft emplacements
3) Ammunitions bunkers
4) Fighter hangers
5) Bomber hangers
6) Fuel Tanks
7) Baracks

Weave pretty much summed up #1.  I prioritize ammo bunkers over fuel cells because it limits big bombers from taking off.  Also, taking down the fuel tanks does not make the capture any easier.  It can actually work the opposite.  Many people don't select 25% fuel unless they have no option.  Is a launching fighter with 100% fuel or 25% fuel more of an immediate threat?

It all seems to be based prefferences of the attackers and really isn't that big of a deal.  The only one that really pines me is if someone is hovering over a base and watches a bomber car-bomb the M-3 coming in and then procedes to complain about it.  But... that is also a personal view on the whole base capture game.


Offline Urchin

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Drop the Fuel Tanks!
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2001, 02:34:00 PM »
Fuel and ammo are always the first thing to go after I drop the VH in a Buff.  Some people don't like to do that because it sorta porks the base if you capture it fast.

In a fighter, i go for the VH, then acks, then the fuel and ammo.  Then I vulch if I'm still alive  :)

Offline Zippatuh

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Drop the Fuel Tanks!
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2001, 02:59:00 PM »
I did have the VH as a first priority; however, it appears most of the time that people have an aversion to dropping the AA.  In the past I would make two passes dropping the VH then for whatever reason get shot down.  After upping again and making the distance only to find that the AA hasn’t even been scratched is annoying.  That’s why I hit the AA first because it doesn’t seem like anyone else will.  This of course assumes that the entire AA emplacements are up.  1 and 2 can shift depending on the overall status of the AA for me.

Should the attack start to bust the difference between 25% and 50% fuel makes a lot of difference.  Either I meet the bad guys a quarter or half way there and end up ditching my ordinance.  Or I meet them at the field and have one chance at a dive and escape.  I would rather make it to the field fully loaded then not.


Offline whels

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Drop the Fuel Tanks!
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2001, 03:03:00 PM »
Originally posted by AKDejaVu:
[QB]My priorities:

1) Vehicle hanger
2) Anti-aircraft emplacements
3) Shore Batteries
4) Ammunitions bunkers
5) Fighter hangers
6) Bomber hangers
7) Fuel Tanks
8) Baracks

Offline Weave

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Drop the Fuel Tanks!
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2001, 04:26:00 PM »
Unless you are on an interdiction mission, that is to say, trying to slow an advance of the enemy, never pork the barracks. Many subscequent field captures have been blown by the unavailability of troops from recently captured bases.   :(

[ 08-27-2001: Message edited by: Weave ]

Offline 1776

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Drop the Fuel Tanks!
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2001, 12:29:00 AM »
Local radar is worth knocking out also.

Offline LePaul

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Drop the Fuel Tanks!
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2001, 01:06:00 AM »
My 2 cents...

If I know we have a big raid somewhere, such as a mission gearing up to hit a base, I'll scramble an Arado to knock out that bases radar, and any others that offer overlapping coverage.

If I'm the first to a base in my Lancaster, my priority list is...

VH first, GVs are a pain to kill lately

Fighter Hangars

Barracks, Radar or Fuel after that.  barracks only if the tide is turning against us and the raid becomes a bust.

Offline Guinn

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Drop the Fuel Tanks!
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2001, 04:23:00 AM »
Its the fighters that straffe the fuel that can cause an attack to fail.  After all fuels are dead, everyone RTBs and that takes a long time, or people crash.  Usually just as the last fuel dies some high enemy fighters bounce the guys with no ammo left.

I think bombers should hit fuel but not fighters.

Radar is very important to kill, it helps GVs find the nearest plane to them, without that they need to see what plane is attacking them.

Offline BlauK

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Drop the Fuel Tanks!
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2001, 07:45:00 AM »
Disregarding which planes should attack what, my list would start with:

-FHs !!!!

Only then the rest if ever...  :) the above is often enough to get the base. Other lists here seem to have FHs much lower in importance. IMO the defending fighters are what make the field capture difficult  ;)

  BlauKreuz - Lentolaivue 34      

Offline Zippatuh

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Drop the Fuel Tanks!
« Reply #11 on: August 28, 2001, 09:18:00 AM »
I think I should clear something up.  I am not talking about an organized attack.  The VMF-323 have procedures for base capture, may sound corny but I do not believe I can divulge that information.  Of course I’m sure a lot of you have seen it either receiving or taking part in  ;).

I’m talking about the mob that roams from base to base.  Under these conditions going for a “team” target may result in being left out to dry.

I am only trying to suggest to those who are attacking a base but not really attacking to strafe a fuel tank or two.  I think you know what I’m talking about, the CAP on a base but not hitting any ground targets at all after the VH and AA are down.  It is my opinion that dropping the fuel to 25% greatly increases the eventual capture of the base by an unorganized mob.


Offline Ripsnort

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Drop the Fuel Tanks!
« Reply #12 on: August 28, 2001, 10:27:00 AM »
Originally posted by Zippatuh:
I think I should clear something up.  I am not talking about an organized attack.  The VMF-323 have procedures for base capture, may sound corny but I do not believe I can divulge that information.  Of course I’m sure a lot of you have seen it either receiving or taking part in   ;).


You can talk about it to the extent that all the following is dropped within the first 10-15 seconds if everyone is hitting their designated target:


The only exception which I've never spoke about to this point, and I will do so now since its not a big deal, is.. we have a concept called "Lifetime Targets". The purpose of it is to have an individual or set of individuals in a said flight (for cross coverage purposes) to be assigned one target, so that they are proficient in hitting that target time and time again. This helps keep 'whats my target' chatter to 0 discussions while flying as a squad online and promotes familiararity to ones target.  Sometimes more than one person is assigned to a lifetime target. Timing, formation going into a target is high on the priority list as well as it reduces exposure to AA, and prevents reaction from the enemy.  Post-delivery is also very important (Nearest enemy field barrier cap, ie. Creamo getting 90% of his online kills by goon hunting)  :)