Author Topic: Do you Fly?  (Read 2245 times)

Offline 4XTCH

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Do you Fly?
« on: January 17, 2007, 02:46:40 PM »
I was having a discussion with my wife about the AH community.... really... It was just a discussion.
One of her questions to me was  " How many people who fly in this online game, fly planes for real"
I said I knew of a few, but that I thought it was an interesting topic, and probably more out there than I might ever know.

So here it is. What do you fly when your not in this game?

1. Do you or have you ever held a Student or Private pilots license?

2. Do you fly GA aircraft, Commercal aircraft, Military aircraft?

4. Do you own or lease any aircraft?

5. What type ratings do you currently hold?

6. Any other tidbits of information you'd like to share with the community about your real life flying experiences.

My story:
I started taking private pilot lessons at my small local airfield in May of 1990. Lake-in-the Hills, Illinois
After 3 different flight instructors ( they all went on to commercial jobs) I finally soloed in June the following year.
That day my instructor just asked me to pull the plane over to the taxi way and jumped out and said "Take it around and land it 3 times..... Dont crash it"
It was one of the most rewarding days of my life.
Shortly after that, we had a daughter (6 months old) contract bacterial meningitis. That day was one of the last times that I had ever been in a GA aircraft. I never did get my Private certificate.
Recently my wife gave me a renewed interest in it by giving me flight lessions as a birthday present. I have mixed feelings about whether I should take it up again. I do love this game.
I'm not looking for sympathy or responses to my story, I want to hear yours.


Offline moneyguy

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Re: Do you Fly?
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2007, 02:56:27 PM »
Originally posted by 4XTCH

So here it is. What do you fly when your not in this game?

1. Do you or have you ever held a Student or Private pilots license?

   yes, private pilots license

2. Do you fly GA aircraft, Commercal aircraft, Military aircraft?

    GA aircraft. cessna 172 and citabria

4. Do you own or lease any aircraft?

    i wish but no, not yet

5. What type ratings do you currently hold?

    private pilot single engine land. also a tailwheel sign off.

6. Any other tidbits of information you'd like to share with the community about your real life flying experiences.


as for your story, DO IT!! if you have the funds and or time. do it. even if its only a private pilots license. the feeling of accomplishment is almost overwhelming once you get that certifercate.    


Offline Guppy35

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Do you Fly?
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2007, 04:25:44 PM »
Took lessons while I was in High School, starting in December 1977.  First solo 2/15/78  with that same experience.  Instructor says pull off.  He gets out and says let me see three touch and go's.

Scary, exhilerating, rewarding all at the same time.  Was really rolling along when the money dried up, College time came.  Next thing ya know I was married with three kids, car payments a mortgage etc.

Never did finish.  Still have fantasies of going back to tie up that loose end some day though.

A buddy and I were taking lessons at the same time and we wasted a lot of our money 'rat racing' around pretending to be fighter pilots.  One time we thought we'd tuned the radio for plane to plane.  We were cruising along flying 'formation' if you could call it that.  We were talking when a third voice interrupted saying "This is Minneapolis control.  What are you doing on this radio channel?"  If you can do double takes in an airplane, my buddy and I both did em.  He broke left and away, I broke right and away.  We then proceeded back to the airport as quietly and sneakily as possible, landed, got out, checked the planes, went to our cars and got lost.  Don't think we even acknowledged each other on the ground that day :)

We were flying Piper Warrior II's at the time.  They later transitioned us to the gawd awful Tomahawk.  I got some time in Cessna 152s a bit later as well.
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Offline 4XTCH

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Do you Fly?
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2007, 04:33:09 PM »
Great Story!!
Thats the stuff I'm talking about.

You think they woulda yanked your ticket in a hurry had you been caught?


Offline SKJohn

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Do you Fly?
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2007, 04:37:46 PM »
I got my Private Pilot's license a few days after my 17th birthday in 1976.  Flew Cherokee 140 for the training, most of time after that was in a Skyhawk, (The Cessna 172 - not the A-4. . .), with the occasional ride in others like  a Stearman PT-17, etc.

Offline DREDger

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Do you Fly?
« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2007, 04:46:16 PM »
Solo'd a Cesna 152 when I was 15 and a half, didn't have my drivers license yet so my dad drove to the field for my lessons.  This was 1985, the rental for the plane was $45/hr and $30/hr for the instructor.  Worked partime all week to pay for one lesson at $3.35 pumping gas.  (my folks paid for half)

My instructor was dutch, who had a penchant for screaming orders as if his life depended on it...RIGHT RUDDER ON TAKEOFF....FULL POWER WHEN YOU CLIMB!!!!  Used to scare the crap out of me, I would leave the plane with soaking wet armpits and wobbly legs...but I solo'd after 8 hours of time.

My old man was a C-130 pilot and my uncle flew f-4's, my cousin now flies f-16's, brother in law captains 747's..... and I fly a desk with a calculator and a phone.  Never flew by myself again and don't intend on doing so expensive and not worth it for I spend my $14 a month and thats fine with me.

Did go to this summers AH convention and won the tourney, with first prize getting to ride with HiTech in his RV8.  Was alot of fun, experienced a hammerhead stall and some high G-turns.  (Your eyesight really does narrow down like in the game, gets dark from outside in)

Guess thats it for me.

Offline 4XTCH

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Do you Fly?
« Reply #6 on: January 17, 2007, 05:07:30 PM »

Awesome Stuff!
He (Dale)  could auction something like that off to the highests bidder with partial proceeds going to a charity or something. I bet that would be fun. Well..... maybe only to us AH geeks:lol



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Do you Fly?
« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2007, 05:10:09 PM »
Go For It if you can afford it.  Unfortunately, most private pilots eventually lose interest mainly due to cost.  I started at 17 years old and am certified for gliders, seaplanes, helicopters, and planes up through the DC10. Somehow, with all that flying experience my cartoon planes still always end up on fire.:D


DJ229-Air Mafia

Offline Spatula

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Do you Fly?
« Reply #8 on: January 17, 2007, 05:50:52 PM »
When i was 18 or so i was briefly enrolled in a flight school for a few flights (Piper tomahawk), but didnt continue it due to cost. Couple of years back i did another 'introductory' flight (Cessna 152) with a different club. Instructor let me take it off and land it too.

Thats about it for me ;) Love to do more, but just the cost is rather prohibitive.
Airborne Kitchen Utensil Assault Group

Offline SkyRock

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Do you Fly?
« Reply #9 on: January 17, 2007, 05:55:33 PM »
The summer before last my brother inlaw let me fly his piper cub based soley on his knowlege of me playing this game!   Of course he was in the back seat but hey, I flew it!:aok

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Do you Fly?
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2007, 06:05:42 PM »
Originally posted by SkyRock
The summer before last my brother inlaw let me fly his piper cub based soley on his knowlege of me playing this game!   Of course he was in the back seat but hey, I flew it!:aok

Cubs are cool.  My first flight in one as a young Flight Instructor was ferrying a new SuperCub solo with no radios from Pennsylvania to Oregon. It was a blast - 30 hours in 3 days at 500' (or less ; ) with the door open much of the way.

DJ229 Air Mafia

Offline whiteman

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Do you Fly?
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2007, 06:51:40 PM »
01 Z/28 :D

Offline Benny Moore

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Do you Fly?
« Reply #12 on: January 17, 2007, 07:15:08 PM »
When I turned fifteen, my father gave me the best birthday present any boy could get.  He took me down to the local airfield, signed me up with a flying club, and paid for my ground school media and my introductory flight in a Cessna 152.  When I came down, we went over to Dairy Queen and I got a job at five dollars per hour (apparently, very small companies don't need to pay minimum wage).  From then on I scraped and scrounged, and every few weeks or months I would get a flying lesson.

It didn't work out, of course.  Flying once a month or once every two months is no way to learn, and after this had been going on for a while my instructor quit for an airline job (he wasn't a great instructor, anyway; he told me that learning how to use rudder was unnecessary).  At about that time, I had a regular doctor checkup, and the doctor informed me that my ears were bleeding inside.  Obviously, I had to stop flying.  Over the next four years or so, I went from doctor to doctor trying to figure out what the problem was.  Eventually, I gave up; they weren't fixing the problem and I was wasting my time.

To this day my ears pain me from the smallest pressure change, even driving up and down the hundred-foot hills where I live.  I recently tried once more to find out the cause of my pressure problem; this doctor's verdict was, "you're fine."  It looks like I'm never going to fly again; even were my health perfect, I'm no longer a teenager with no expenses.  I can't even afford an Aces High subscription, never mind flying lessons.  But I will always remember that short time when I was fifteen - even with the emotional agony of high school looming over it - as the best time of my life.  The exact number of hours I have I do not know; my memory tells me it was eight or so, but my logbook has only says three flights.  I know at least two of my flights were not unrecorded, so I estimate that the actual number was six.  It's not much, but those were easily the best six hours of my life.

Offline REP0MAN

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Do you Fly?
« Reply #13 on: January 17, 2007, 08:31:27 PM »
Hiya 4X, great thread!

I, fortunately, was able to finish my PVT rating. Solo'd in 1995, FAA cert in 1996. Trained at Westwood aviation in Phoenix. Flew a new 172 most of my training. The occational 152. ('cause they are WAY more fun in a crosswind T/O or landing). Got my IFR rating in 1998. High performance and multi-engine (piston) in 1999 in a 310. Since then have owned partials in a 172, Cirrus and a 182 (Currently) with frogleg retractable gear and pressurized cabin. Seats 6. Cost a fortune to fly anymore. Haven't been up, other than patterns and local, in almost a year.

Crazy story. A friend of mine built an RV-6 in his garage. Took him 5 years. I was the first passenger to fly with him after his 100 hr mark. It had side by side cabin and was very nice. We used to do the fighter pilot thing too over the Verde River, NE of Phoenix, with another friend with a similar RV-6. We would actually dive in over the water and buzz about 8 feet above the river, chasing each other. Loops, stalls, even an engine out landing on a dirt road nearby once. Crazy fun.

Last Nov, Larry was flying over the river and pulled up fast catching some high voltage carrier lines slicing his plane in two and killing himself and Mark Wild, another friend of ours. Was a sad day for everyone that knew Larry and Mark. They are missed.

Not to be a sob story, just a "watch out" for all of us Tards that like to fly low.

Thats my story.

Link to TV News program about Larry
Apparently, one in five people in the world are Chinese. And there are five people in my family, so it must be one of them. It's either my mum or my dad. Or my older brother, Colin. Or my younger brother, Ho-Chan-Chu. But I think it's Colin. - Tim Vine.

Offline TwrATM

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Do you Fly?
« Reply #14 on: January 17, 2007, 08:40:35 PM »
I grew up on military bases and have always loved anything to do with aircraft.
I pursued the Air Force Academy route and realized that to be a fighter pilot corrected vision was a big no no back then. So, if I couldn't fly them I would tell em where to I became an Air Traffic Controller. Ive been doing that now for 24 years and still love it. 14 of those years in the A.F. and now in the civilian world. I miss playing with F-15's in the pattern but am still happy with the GA sector. Every now and then I get to work the warbirds that come to my airport....F4U's, P-47's, B17's, B24, P51's, B25's....being the boss at my tower I somehow get to be the one that controls them....go figure, lucky I

1. Do you or have you ever held a Student or Private pilots license? Private Pilots License.

2. Do you fly GA aircraft, Commercal aircraft, Military aircraft? GA

4. Do you own or lease any aircraft? Rent....looking to buy though.

5. What type ratings do you currently hold? ASEL (Airplane Single Engine Land)