Originally posted by Widewing
I wouldn't worry about it... The performance figures I've seen indicate that the Spitfire MK.VIII will kick its butt all over the arena.
Two other things work against the Yak-3.
# Very short legs. To keep weight down, IIRC, they carried a lighter fuel load than the Yak-9U did. With War Arena fuel burn at 2X, this will mean a real short flight. Yak-3 was designed as an air superiority fighter over the front lines. Wasn't meant to carry the attack to the enemy's bases.
# Limited ammo. Yak's don't carry much around with them compared to many other planes in the arena. You have to be patient and develop a good target to get good with a Yak.... not spray-an-pray.
I'd rather see the P-39 over the Yak-3, for war arena use. If the P-39, hopefully it will be a Russian version, with Russian skin default, and in Russian plane set. They took over half of the P-39's built (and nearly all the P-63's).
Fav is still A-26 for perk buff ride. Dead last in my eyes is the B-25. Just does not have the performance to be used outside EW or SEA.