Think of the 262 as an A-20, only faster and with cannons and no bombs. If you get over about 500 MPH and yank on the pole, you will rip the wings off. With the A-20 it's about 400 MPH.
Everyone seems to initially approach the 262 like it's an F-16 in Falcon 4. "I can go really fast and pull 9 G turns! Woohoo!" Nope. I continue to suck in it, but learned real quick that it compresses above 600 KIAS and sheds pieces at high G. Some can turn fight in it, but I don't recommend doing that in a crowd.
You shouldn't break any wings under 350-400. One thing you may want to look for is stick spikes in the Y-axis. It doesn't take much of a bump at high speed to rip a wing off. It happened to one of my squaddies the other night. He had a little micro freeze while in a turn and it was enough to snap a wing when it unfroze.