There are obviously a lot that no one know and it looks to be a few months before we do. To jump to any conclusions is foolish.
There was an inspection of this bridge just a few years back and it was found to be "structurally deficient." Taken literally it sounds horrible, but in reality it means that this bridge was found to be healthy, but in need or renovation within the next few years, anc MnDOT had this bridge slated for renovation either next year or the following at latest.
Having read the report online, it is clear that there were no signs at that time to indicate that a structural failure of this magnitude could occur. The life expectancy of this bridge was 70 years, which means that it was projected to last another 30. On a scale of 120, this bridge scored 50, but i've heard a few engineers say that that is a scewed number since only a brand new bridge built to modern standards could hope to achieve that, and that this bridge when brand new still may have been "structurally deficient" on the modern scale. And even though Minnesota uses a lot of chloride deicers in winter, we rank 3rd in the country for bridge safety and repair, and given this bridges location and importance it was look after very closely.
The most appalling thing, aside from the tragedy itself, is how local politicians are using this as a political weapon. The rescue crews were still pulling live people from the water when the first senator got on TV and did the "see i told you so" dance. He didn't offer any condolences or even a word of regret, just a scathing accusation at the other party for not raising gas taxes here.
[/end rant]