Author Topic: Cherry picking is O.K.!!  (Read 3753 times)

Offline Nomak

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Cherry picking is O.K.!!
« Reply #75 on: October 04, 2007, 05:31:12 PM »
Originally posted by Sloehand
Not to validate or condone cherry picking either way, but simply to point out that some people who mouth-off just to annoy others or tell someone else what is the right and wrong way to play this game, don't have a clue about what they are spouting most of the time.

"dog·fight"   Pronunciation [dawg-fahyt] noun, verb.
2. "a fight between warring fighter planes."

Another definition -

"An aerial battle between fighter planes."

Ergo, BnZ tactics such as cherrypicking, which if you weren't duly informed, do utilize a 'fighter plane', are well within the definition of dogfighting.  

Therefore, your comment was both ignorant and stupid, which considering the source, is in tune with the nature order of things.  :aok



Offline NoBaddy

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« Reply #76 on: October 04, 2007, 06:23:37 PM »
Originally posted by Sloehand
Was a fun place to learn ACM.  Now it's just a place to try an boost one's ego by humiliating someone else, by and large.

HT didn't kill the DA. Put the blame where it belongs...the dweebs that were in there not following the arena rules.

Btw, I guess you don't realize it..but, the purpose of the DA has always been to boost egos and humiliate opponents (everyone knows ego monkeys need a special place) :D. If you check, you will find a post from HT stating that training is not the purpose of the DA. There is another entire arena dedicated to training. :)
NoBaddy (NB)

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Offline Nomak

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« Reply #77 on: October 04, 2007, 06:56:56 PM »
Originally posted by NoBaddy
HT didn't kill the DA. Put the blame where it belongs...the dweebs that were in there not following the arena rules.

Btw, I guess you don't realize it..but, the purpose of the DA has always been to boost egos and humiliate opponents (everyone knows ego monkeys need a special place) :D. If you check, you will find a post from HT stating that training is not the purpose of the DA. There is another entire arena dedicated to training. :)

He didnt say "training".  He said a good place to learn ACM.  If that shouldnt be done in the Dueling Arena, then by that Logic it shouldnt be done in the Main Arena either.

Your logic is flawed.


Offline Murdr

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Cherry picking is O.K.!!
« Reply #78 on: October 04, 2007, 07:06:34 PM »
Originally posted by airspro
For me it's a plane flying toward some place and not engaged with another plane . As in someone climbing out and I get on his low six and blow him up , etc etc .

Not someone doing a one on one and me coming in hot and swooping in and shooting him . That's IMO ( unless they call for help ) just kill stealing .

And yes I did say "listen to him" , I would also place Widewing on this list as well . Listen closely to both IMO .

Originally posted by SteveBailey
Your definition of cherry picking is incorrect.

So is your definition of kill stealing.
For what it's worth, here are quotes from the trainers site which have been up for quite some time...

From the radio terms glossary

"cherry (pick) - Attacking an enemy already engaged with another plane"

From the Aces High Etiquette page

"KILL STEALING: In Aces High, a damaged plane can spin helplessly to the ground after having its wing shot off in a good fight. The victor of this fight, assuming he is any good, is probably already looking for the next fight, and maybe even anticipating seeing who he killed. A kill stealer is someone who chases the tumbling, burning wreckage that was once a plane down to the ground, pumping it full of bullets, and gets a kill because he gets more hits into it before it hits the ground. This is the mark of a true dweeb who cares only for his score, not whether he is any good or not. While accidents do happen, don't shoot into planes that are already going down."

Offline SteveBailey

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Cherry picking is O.K.!!
« Reply #79 on: October 04, 2007, 07:42:06 PM »
Originally posted by Murdr
For what it's worth, here are quotes from the trainers site which have been up for quite some time...

Yes!   :aok

Offline NoBaddy

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Cherry picking is O.K.!!
« Reply #80 on: October 04, 2007, 11:02:41 PM »
Originally posted by Nomak
He didnt say "training".  He said a good place to learn ACM.  If that shouldnt be done in the Dueling Arena, then by that Logic it shouldnt be done in the Main Arena either.

Your logic is flawed.


Actually, it isn't. the big difference is?

...and no, the MA isn't made for 'learning' either. Doesn't mean folk can't learn there. Does mean that is not the purpose of the arena. Bottomline, the DA was created for duels. The TA was created for 'learning'. The MA was created for..... mayhem!!! :)
NoBaddy (NB)

Flying since before there was virtual durt!!
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Offline B@tfinkV

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Cherry picking is O.K.!!
« Reply #81 on: October 05, 2007, 05:21:09 AM »
Originally posted by Shamus
Picking a con on a countryman's six is fine, on his twelve is bad form.
 400 yrds on my tail, right where i want you... [/size]


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Cherry picking is O.K.!!
« Reply #82 on: October 05, 2007, 10:39:00 AM »
I was just involved in a nice one v one with a nit tiffie v me in a 190-A5  above the fight I see ROCKIES approach in a spit.  I ask him to please stay out a request he ignores he jumps in the tiffie runs he breaks off the tiffie resumes the fight with me ROCKIES jumps in again a shoots down the opponent.

what would you consider this?

Offline SteveBailey

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Cherry picking is O.K.!!
« Reply #83 on: October 05, 2007, 10:52:26 AM »
Originally posted by storch
I was just involved in a nice one v one with a nit tiffie v me in a 190-A5  above the fight I see ROCKIES approach in a spit.  I ask him to please stay out a request he ignores he jumps in the tiffie runs he breaks off the tiffie resumes the fight with me ROCKIES jumps in again a shoots down the opponent.

what would you consider this?

facking rude.

Offline Tiger

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Cherry picking is O.K.!!
« Reply #84 on: October 05, 2007, 11:41:05 AM »
Originally posted by storch

what would you consider this?

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Offline llama

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Cherry picking is O.K.!!
« Reply #85 on: October 05, 2007, 12:29:05 PM »
Originally posted by storch
I was just involved in a nice one v one with a nit tiffie v me in a 190-A5  above the fight I see ROCKIES approach in a spit.  I ask him to please stay out a request he ignores he jumps in the tiffie runs he breaks off the tiffie resumes the fight with me ROCKIES jumps in again a shoots down the opponent.

what would you consider this?

Someone who doesn't have the country channel (or local channel, or whatever channel you used to warn him) tuned in? Someone who doesn't even know to look at the text buffer?


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Cherry picking is O.K.!!
« Reply #86 on: October 05, 2007, 12:42:01 PM »
he knew it's all he does he is probably a point potato but that's a whole other thread.

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Cherry picking is O.K.!!
« Reply #87 on: October 05, 2007, 02:43:42 PM »
Originally posted by Murdr
For what it's worth, here are quotes from the trainers site which have been up for quite some time...

Well , guess I can still learn .

THANKS is all I can say , and I stand corrected .

I would have to say I don't "cherry pick" much then , or kill steal .


Would you call what I like to do then ?  Yes some might be afk , or just not watching their low six etc . I like to "bounce" them .

Also a the back of a daisy chain of red after a fellow countryman holds much interest for me also :)
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Offline 33Vortex

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Re: Cherry picking is O.K.!!
« Reply #88 on: October 05, 2007, 03:21:08 PM »
Originally posted by IronDog
I don't know why most people think cherry picking is a bad thing.Cherry picking is nothing more than good flying,and it should be applauded.Believe it or not most the good pilots in WWII got  most of their kills via cherry picking.Does never seen what hit them ring any bells?!It takes a lot of skill lining up a victim,running in,and then applying the kill shot,and getting out.rinse and repeat.Furballers create the pickers by doing just that.No furballs,no pickers.Do I enjoy getting picked...heck no,but I can appreciate the effort put in by the picker.I notice most the good furball pilots,are the most vocal when they get picked.Does (*&$#@! picker sound familiar? :lol.many of the aircraft in AH are made for picking,and not for furballing.Oh some of the better sticks can turn fight in a picker,but they aren't made for it.Next time you get picked,give that skilled picker a big !

Whoever "pick" me without me seeing him/her coming, earns a from me. I respect whoever do it, and feel stupid for not having watched out. It is humiliating every time it happens, if it happens to you... you should (at least try to) learn from it.

Acknowledging, or becoming aware of, a problem, is the first step.

Yes, all of you who dispise pickers, eat it.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2007, 03:26:23 PM by 33Vortex »

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Offline Nomak

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Cherry picking is O.K.!!
« Reply #89 on: October 05, 2007, 06:35:58 PM »
Originally posted by NoBaddy
Actually, it isn't. the big difference is?

...and no, the MA isn't made for 'learning' either. Doesn't mean folk can't learn there. Does mean that is not the purpose of the arena. Bottomline, the DA was created for duels. The TA was created for 'learning'. The MA was created for..... mayhem!!! :)

Alrighty..... help me understand here.  By your logic its ok to learn ACM while flying the MA but not ok to learn ACM while flying the DA??  Because they should be learning ACM in the TA?

