Yep same prob here. But what struck me as curious was in the blue and dueling arena I can change bases and go to the Hangar in seconds but in the orange arena it can take several minutes ending up with a boot out of the game - lost host comnnection. If I immediately go to Dueling arena it works fine... go back to orange dead as a dodo. It could be fluke but I thnk some thing deeper happening here.
Ping plotter results show fairly consistent 250ms access with the odd nodes blowing out causing a spike occasionally (roughly once a minute) but returning to 250ms in a few seconds.
Im usually pretty good at figuring these things out. But this one has me stuffed.
Could it be ports and firewall issue. range 2000-4000 both UDP and TCP, bludy hard to manually enter them all. Is there a more specific list or is there a way to limit port use. Turning off firewall had no effect, but with the plethora of anti virus spyware etc it could be an interference with one of these "must use" components. When I change to Warbirds I dont seem to get the problem. Love your game but its hard to play 30secs at a time. Occassionally I can get 15 -20mins before Im booted, but not often these days.
Last thing, Aces High seemed to work well before I reinstalled AH2113.EXE