Whatever you do DON'T do this (I did. Re-posted from another thread):
I rarely set up missions but one night I decided I'd organize a B-17 mission over an airfield then a VB base.
I set it up for 10 pilots, full load out of 1000 pounders. I kept announcing the mission on our country channel and kept setting the launch time back until I finally had a full roster.
OK. 2 minutes to launch. 1 minute to launch. What the hell? I'm in the hanger throttle wide open! I'm headed toward a building. Turn, turn, turn I think. Uh-oh, I see others crashing. I'm on the radio... "stop, stop, stop!" People are saying something to me which I'm sure isn't complimentary as I watch the carnage unflod but I'm lost in the terror of the moment trying desperately to get off safely myself.
Somehow I got one plane off the field and so did two others but they're well ahead of me now. I'm on the radio. "Stop, stop, stop, we need to re-do this with a spawn setting. If you're up please bail" I finally got close enough to the guys in front of me and we all bailed. I re-set the mission and thankfully everone re-joined the second time but that's probably my dweebiest moment.
Sincere appologies to all who trusted in me that night.