Author Topic: Violence in Iraq has dropped by 70 percent  (Read 4134 times)


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Violence in Iraq has dropped by 70 percent
« Reply #150 on: November 04, 2007, 01:25:18 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
well... this is getting a little confusing.. ledpig..  are you saying that you admire the troops and support a free iraq but simply hate bush and some of the generals?  You would be happy if others were running the country and the war?

You don't want to cut and run?  you, or your guys, have a better plan?

I did hear about the reduction in casualties on NPR left wing radio..  the first time they mentioned it was when they had a lefty on to give us his take on what "really" was happening..   I am not sure if it backfired.. they got all gushy and breathless when he said it was an exaggeration but... acted like he was a traitor when he said that... even if it was exaggerated...  the reduction was real.. That it could be seen and was probly more like a 50% reduction than a 70% one.

I don't believe any news source... I believe all media hacks and their bosses have an agenda...  76% of em are left of center sooo... the agenda is almost always bent to the left.  

journalists have the soul of a personal injury lawyer.   Lots of croc tears and passion but a hard black lump for a heart.   I find that if the lefties even bother to admit something is going right these days... there is probly a lot to it.


What's so confusing Lasz? I hate Bush. His punk @%$ isn't worth two cents to me compared to the youngest 19 year old buck private. To me the troops and the leaders commanding them are two different things. The troops follow orders, the leaders give them. If you don't agree with a situation i disagree with their leaders.

I feel some of the stuff they've asked our troops to do, with the equipment they give them and the odds they put them in are pretty ludicrous. The lack of planning and foresight and some the backpedaling and facesaving i've seen our governments leaders do at the expense of our soldiers is absolutely disgusting. Putting them in the middle of all that and not knowing what it was going to turn into also really irks me. I'd like to get my hands around their pompous arrogant little bougeois necks.

Even more so knowing that when they were asked to fight in the same way they were missing in action, flying a barstool more than he was flying in the National guard. Rumsfeld getting constant differments. If thats what you expouse yourself to be about, where were they? All of a sudden they are "Strong Presidents" War leaders"... They seem mighty brave with other peoples lives. There ineptitude sickens me.

Here's the clincher though Lasz.... The troops have nothing to do with all this. They just say yes sir and follow orders. So there is no reason to disagree with the troops. They are brave for even taking the job. To me they are hero's and vip citizens of the highest caliber. I don't agree with how our government is using them and how they are employing them so i fight the leaders that i don't agree with. Untill we can find a better solution and can bring them home and get them out of a bad situation and find a better way to fight "terrorism" that is what they are supposed to be fighting isn't it.

And it will not work over there. I don't care how many reports i see of violence increases or decreases i see, it's noise to me, because the effect this war in Iraq will have on terrorism is nothing.

Offline AKIron

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Violence in Iraq has dropped by 70 percent
« Reply #151 on: November 04, 2007, 01:32:00 PM »
Originally posted by LEADPIG
I don't care how many reports i see of violence increases or decreases i see, it's noise to me, because the effect this war in Iraq will have on terrorism is nothing.

The original invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with terrorism. The 2003 invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with terrorism. World affairs shouldn't be decided by 19 year old soldiers nor 19 year old college students.
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Offline bj229r

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Violence in Iraq has dropped by 70 percent
« Reply #152 on: November 04, 2007, 01:41:07 PM »
Lead, you've summarized for the umpteenth time how you hate Bush and Rumsfeld, etal, how they screwed it all up to start with.....we GET IT...NOW things are different, there is a new plan (which is what the left was railing about for some time..."the same old thing"...) and it's WORKING. Alqeada drew a line in the sand, and chose Iraq as the sandbox...and they are (finally) being beaten, and you've just stated that NO amount of good news will dissuade you from your view that it's all a pile of dung, and I'm guessing you're going to keep saying this forever
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Violence in Iraq has dropped by 70 percent
« Reply #153 on: November 04, 2007, 01:46:47 PM »
Originally posted by AKIron
World affairs shouldn't be decided by 19 year old soldiers nor 19 year old college students.

Why not?  They're old enough to vote in the most powerful country in the world... sounds to me that they are therefore deciding world affairs. :p ;)


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Violence in Iraq has dropped by 70 percent
« Reply #154 on: November 04, 2007, 02:08:54 PM »
Originally posted by AKIron
The original invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with terrorism. The 2003 invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with terrorism. World affairs shouldn't be decided by 19 year old soldiers nor 19 year old college students.

Are you so dense as to think that i'm saying world affairs should be handled by 19 year olds? I said in there that the political leaders make the decisions not the 19 year old privates that your reffering too. It's the leaders that i don't agree with not the soldiers.

Secondly, It had nothing to do with terrorism It had to do with weapons of mass destruction. It had to do with oil. It had to do with Saddam killing his own people. It had to do with Saddam not playing well with others in the region and thus threatening our mass resources.

We know how the first one turned out, i had my questions about that in the beginning. I felt he was jumping the gun a little and should have approached from a smarter reserved opinion and then escalated to war at the last resort. Looks like war was his first resort. Even after all the years of weapons inspector wrangling that went on, i feel he should have tried a little bit more before war.

Saddam killing his own people is not our business so on to point three.

This was also a problem he's threatening our oil, i feel more threats would have worked with him, economic, and world pressure should have been tightened around his neck even tighter. Before war, before anybody was sent to die over this crap. Only then should shooting have erupted. Once again again our pal Bush's hot personality gets us into trouble and alienating America a little more with his "Cowboy mentality" we should have handled that stuff a little smarter and smoother. Once again crap reasons to go to war just yet, as least that quickly.

Offline Yeager

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Violence in Iraq has dropped by 70 percent
« Reply #155 on: November 04, 2007, 02:10:20 PM »
Iraq is finally getting it.  Now lets surrender before we succeed so that our favorite beotch can be our next president.
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Violence in Iraq has dropped by 70 percent
« Reply #156 on: November 04, 2007, 02:27:14 PM »
Originally posted by bj229r
Lead, you've summarized for the umpteenth time how you hate Bush and Rumsfeld, etal, how they screwed it all up to start with.....we GET IT...NOW things are different, there is a new plan (which is what the left was railing about for some time..."the same old thing"...) and it's WORKING. Alqeada drew a line in the sand, and chose Iraq as the sandbox...and they are (finally) being beaten, and you've just stated that NO amount of good news will dissuade you from your view that it's all a pile of dung, and I'm guessing you're going to keep saying this forever

Bj if you think things or different you've got your head up your Kooloo.  What is the new plan? More troops to keep doing the same thing? Your just as dumb and blind as the people who thought right after the war ended, the way the Iraqi's were celebrating us being there that that would last. Wrong. They were going to get tired of us and all this would start happening. Did you know that?

Secondly you believe Alqueda drew a line in the sand? No we did by us being there. The Alqueda would have showed up if we attacked and liberated Disney world. Which is exactly why the whole thing isn't going to work in Iraq. The war on terrorism will be fought wherever we decide to show up, they'll be some anoymous guys with bombs plotting in their minds how to blow us up, while we stand around oblivious to the fact untill after it's happened.

Bj if you believe the news about a decrease in violence or an increase in violence for that matter is any evidence of anything with a war against guerillas fighting as sporadic and haphazard as this against an organized Army. Your more disintelligent than i thought.

I guess if you had Herpes and the Doctor told you. "Hey good news, it's gone down, i don't see it in your system anymore your good to go". You'd believe that too. Terrorism is just a virus in remission. Give reports like that, a year, maybe six months, before you start believing it. Whether it says there's an increase in violence or a decrease in violence just hold off on that opinion for a little while.

Offline bj229r

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Violence in Iraq has dropped by 70 percent
« Reply #157 on: November 04, 2007, 02:31:37 PM »
Originally posted by LEADPIG
Bj if you think things or different you've got your head up your Kooloo.  What is the new plan? More troops to keep doing the same thing? Your just as dumb and blind as the people who thought right after the war ended, the way the Iraqi's were celebrating us being there that that would last. Wrong. They were going to get tired of us and all this would start happening. Did you know that?

Secondly you believe Alqueda drew a line in the sand? No we did by us being there. The Alqueda would have showed up if we attacked and liberated Disney world. Which is exactly why the whole thing isn't going to work in Iraq. The war on terrorism will be fought wherever we decide to show up, they'll be some anoymous guys with bombs plotting in their minds how to blow us up, while we stand around oblivious to the fact untill after it's happened.

Bj if you believe the news about a decrease in violence or an increase in violence for that matter is any evidence of anything with a war against guerillas fighting as sporadic and haphazard as this against an organized Army. Your more disintelligent than i thought.

I guess if you had Herpes and the Doctor told you. "Hey good news, it's gone down, i don't see it in your system anymore your good to go". You'd believe that too. Terrorism is just a virus in remission. Give reports like that, a year, maybe six months, before you start believing it. Whether it says there's an increase in violence or a decrease in violence just hold off on that opinion for a little while.
I surrender to your superior intellect:huh
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Violence in Iraq has dropped by 70 percent
« Reply #158 on: November 04, 2007, 02:35:56 PM »
Originally posted by Yeager
Iraq is finally getting it.  Now lets surrender before we succeed so that our favorite beotch can be our next president.

Succed in what, ending terrorism? Do you not realize when we leave, that place will erupt in a religious and cultural civil war almost the likes of which this world has never seen. We have been barely keeping it patched toghether for the las t 5 years. You think that will get better when we leave?

Do you think a culture that different from ours is going to want to, in general, embrace the American way of life or culture. Wrong. Do you know how much tradition that is and how far that goes back in their history. How much a religion quite different from ours, has a pull on the whole population, government, and they're whole civilization?

Us staying for the next twenty years won't hold that toghether, our leaving won't either. What does tell you about the stupidity of the whole situation?


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Violence in Iraq has dropped by 70 percent
« Reply #159 on: November 04, 2007, 02:37:44 PM »
Originally posted by bj229r
I surrender to your superior intellect:huh

You got a rebuttle or is it just an empty sarcastic comment you got left? :huh

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Violence in Iraq has dropped by 70 percent
« Reply #160 on: November 04, 2007, 02:45:27 PM »
It's squealing pointless to debate with you...if that's what it can be called
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Offline john9001

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Violence in Iraq has dropped by 70 percent
« Reply #161 on: November 04, 2007, 02:52:14 PM »
Originally posted by LEADPIG
Untill we can find a better solution and can bring them home  

leadpig wants a "better solution", he doesn't have one, he doesn't know of one, but he wants a "better solution".

leadpig, you don't want a better solution, you just want to hate boosh/hitler.


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Violence in Iraq has dropped by 70 percent
« Reply #162 on: November 04, 2007, 03:06:26 PM »
Originally posted by bj229r
It's squealing pointless to debate with you...if that's what it can be called

Pointless as your thinking Iraq won't denegrate into a mass civil war and your thinking all will be well, and we'll be traipsing through a meadow hand in hand with our now "Americanized" Islamic Iraqi friends. And that terrorism will be neutralized there. Whether we would have started the war or not. Or whether we stay or not. The same thing was going to happen.

Pointless as your thinking that ever was going to happen and ever is going to happen.

Offline Dago

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Violence in Iraq has dropped by 70 percent
« Reply #163 on: November 04, 2007, 03:08:13 PM »
Why don't you realize arguing with leadpig is useless, it's like banging your head on a brick wall, only the brick wall is brighter.
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Offline Arlo

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Violence in Iraq has dropped by 70 percent
« Reply #164 on: November 04, 2007, 03:09:23 PM »
What the whole world needs is to be garrisoned by U.S. forces (without a draft or mobilizing industry for global garrisoning) until it figures out it wants to be just like us. :D