Author Topic: Violence in Iraq has dropped by 70 percent  (Read 4085 times)

Offline john9001

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Violence in Iraq has dropped by 70 percent
« Reply #45 on: October 25, 2007, 01:20:07 PM »
Originally posted by kamilyun

 And don't tell me that Mexico is capable of securing it's borders to prevent AQ from infiltrating and then crossing.

i guess you never tried to sneak "into"mexico.

we don need no steekn badges.

Offline bj229r

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Violence in Iraq has dropped by 70 percent
« Reply #46 on: October 25, 2007, 09:33:11 PM »
If I hear ONE more @##%#@% time from Hollywood/ our leftist press about how they 'support the troops'.... They have been ACTING like it for 6 years, but the facade is sliping away--they hate the military as much as they did in 1970, and assume only hicks with 6th grade educations and no future would sign up

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Offline Holden McGroin

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Violence in Iraq has dropped by 70 percent
« Reply #47 on: October 26, 2007, 01:20:19 AM »
Originally posted by Fishu
You missed the target in that case - The correct geological point for a retaliation strike would been somewhere around Saudi-Arabia.

Iraq is somewhere around Saudi Arabia.

Of course I could be wrong, with much of my geographic knowledge coming from USA public eduaction.
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Offline SkyRock

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Violence in Iraq has dropped by 70 percent
« Reply #48 on: October 26, 2007, 01:23:26 AM »
Originally posted by Mark Luper

He, George Bush, made his decisions with the information he had at hand. He had this information from many sources, not just our own intelligence departments. He didn't have the opportunity to avail himself of the hindsight you posses, he had to act as he saw fit with the information that he had to work with.  That's not a lie, poor judgement perhaps, but not an intentional lie.


Mark, you seem intelligent enough to know what the real intentions of going into IRAQ were, and they had nothing to do with WMD's.  Now, I'm not saying it was for money, or for oil, but it definitely was not for WMD's.  It is this reason why our hopes of having a positive outcome in IRAQ are dim.  We made the mistake of not leading by the high ground!

Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"

Offline SkyRock

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Violence in Iraq has dropped by 70 percent
« Reply #49 on: October 26, 2007, 01:25:09 AM »
Originally posted by Yeager
Lets hope this is a trend that continues...too many good people have died to let this thing go to waste like the political left so dearly hopes.

Thing?????  Wow!

Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"

Offline LePaul

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Violence in Iraq has dropped by 70 percent
« Reply #50 on: October 26, 2007, 01:29:35 AM » Skyrock is one of those moon-landing-was-really-on-a-soundstage and tin-foil-hat-9/11-was-invented-by-bush types.

Got it.  I imagine he's got a Cindy Sheehan poster on his wall?  


Offline FrodeMk3

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Violence in Iraq has dropped by 70 percent
« Reply #51 on: October 26, 2007, 04:33:35 AM »
Originally posted by john9001
i guess you never tried to sneak "into"mexico.

we don need no steekn badges.

You go through a metal turnstile at the border, and you go through Tijuana down to La Revelucion, and walk around and drink and buy anything you want.

Not a terribly hard task.

And as to South, coming North? If this is supposed to be a joke, well...not funny. There are ton's of threads' on this board, that reiterate how easy it is for anyone to penetrate the borders of the U.S. A little more difficult, yes. You might have to get your feet wet, or take a long walk through the desert. But the Mexican gov't. sure as hell won't stop you; They even have an organization down there putting out drinking water for you.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2007, 05:03:38 AM by FrodeMk3 »

Offline Holden McGroin

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Violence in Iraq has dropped by 70 percent
« Reply #52 on: October 26, 2007, 04:35:52 AM »
Originally posted by FrodeMk3
You go through a metal turnstile at the border, and you go through Tijuana down to La Revelucion, and walk around and drink and buy anything you want.

Not a terribly hard task.

How about getting employment w/o a proper work visa?
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Offline FrodeMk3

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Violence in Iraq has dropped by 70 percent
« Reply #53 on: October 26, 2007, 05:06:04 AM »
Originally posted by Holden McGroin
How about getting employment w/o a proper work visa?

Hang out with the rest of the undocumented workers, and make sure you're the first one to jump in the landscapers' pickup.

Offline SkyRock

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Violence in Iraq has dropped by 70 percent
« Reply #54 on: October 26, 2007, 07:35:16 AM »
Originally posted by john9001
moe, 'hey joe, you want to be free?"

joe , "heck no, moe, i want to be ruled by a insane dictator."

Exactly, some folks do not understand what we call freedom in a capitalist society, to them, they are as free as they want to be.  They actually can never be free, because of the religion that they practice!

Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"

Offline SkyRock

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Violence in Iraq has dropped by 70 percent
« Reply #55 on: October 26, 2007, 07:41:48 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
forget it mark... like all lefties he just wants to appear clever and snipe at the heels.

skyrock..  I wish you would not be so evasive about how you feel.   certainly there were mistakes made... name me one war that none were made.   This one had some good ones but they were mostly....  the result of being cautious.. of fearing to make to big an effort out of it and... arrogance as well.   both sides, left and right are to blame.

They left, you, can't wait for casualties to mount so you can snipe (while screaming how much you support the brave troops)... why not admit it?  you love to see failure and hate to see any victory.

We did it wrong at first.. or.. more accurately ...made more mistakes than we needed to.    Now...

A new plan and it is showing success... so how do the left react?   70% less casualties... good stuff right?   nope... bad news for democrats who think that cut and run is the way to go.

but back to you skyrock.. you snipe the mistakes and the victories.. the failures and the success...  while purporting to "support the troops"  have you even talked to any of em?

Still that is not the bad part... the bad part is that you don't even have the guts to be honest about your agenda... if you were you would tell us what you think we should do..

You don't have a plan... not one lefty here does... can snipe away at the sidelines like some bitter old socialist queen.

Grow a pair and tell us exactly what you would do so we can "critique" it.


Lazs, I don't have time to edit, but if you are implying that I want a higher death toll for US troops, then you obviously are doing exactly what the lefties are doing, except on the other side.  I have always thought IRAQ was a bunk idea and was pushed down our throats with lies and propaganda, and I do not expect you to see it that way.  I do not think there will be a positive outcome in that country because  of it's history and culture, it has nothing to do with what we do.  I hate to see us lose any soldier, it makes me sick to my stomach to watch those videos of young men being blown up by ied's, but I know casualty's are a part of war.  So, that leaves the burden to the ones in power that decide when and where we fight, in this case as in all wars, the burden is placed on the soldiers and the families of the soldiers with the rest of us hoping for a positive outcome.  Wars are pretty much ineviteble, but when, where, and why we "start" a war is soley up to us.

Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"


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Violence in Iraq has dropped by 70 percent
« Reply #56 on: October 26, 2007, 08:45:17 AM »
Originally posted by SkyRock
Lazs, I don't have time to edit, but if you are implying that I want a higher death toll for US troops, then you obviously are doing exactly what the lefties are doing, except on the other side.  I have always thought IRAQ was a bunk idea and was pushed down our throats with lies and propaganda, and I do not expect you to see it that way.  I do not think there will be a positive outcome in that country because  of it's history and culture, it has nothing to do with what we do.  I hate to see us lose any soldier, it makes me sick to my stomach to watch those videos of young men being blown up by ied's, but I know casualty's are a part of war.  So, that leaves the burden to the ones in power that decide when and where we fight, in this case as in all wars, the burden is placed on the soldiers and the families of the soldiers with the rest of us hoping for a positive outcome.  Wars are pretty much ineviteble, but when, where, and why we "start" a war is soley up to us.

Nobody wants to see a higher death toll for troops.
But the time for arguing over if we should have gone in there is long since passed
Arguing about if we should still be there is moot because there are no other options.
We cant just pull out just like that. Its just not that simple.

Success wont be properly measured until 20-30 years from now.
A positive outcome cant and wont be measured by our American standards.

Fact of the matter is we are there and we cant leave until the mission is accomplished.
the mission in my eyes is to have a relatively stable Iraq that can govern themselves and adequately protect themselves from potentially invading countries.

It doesn't have to be a Utopia Or a mirror image of the US. (which can be argued is also only relatively stable)
It just has to meet the criteria outlined above.

Fact of the matter is we cant just pick up and leave until that is accomplished no matter who is in charge.

That being the case. As a people our only option is to support the troops AND their mission.
Because you cant support the troops without supporting the mission.
to tell them, "Your mission is wrong but I support you as a soldier" is nothing more them lip service.
And the troops see it for the simple rhetoric it is. "bovine scat" Otherwise known as BS

You cant support your troops and not support them in accomplishing their mission.
by telling them their mission is wrong. You are also telling them they are wrong for taking part in it.

Some weeks ago there was a discussion about the Nazis and German soldiers just following their orders.
Some made the argument that if it was wrong. then the soldiers were wrong for following those orders.

Same principle applies here. You cant have it both ways. Only seeing one groups as being wrong so long as it isn't your group.

In our case and regardless of anyone's position on going into this endeavor. at this point we can only support the troops and want them to accomplish their mission so that they can come home.

Regardless of reason a 70% drop is good news. It is a measure of success.  And something to be applauded and hope we can build on.
Not something to be critical of. That is counter productive.

Look. Regardless of anyone's position of should we have gone/should we be there.
The bottom line is we are there. And are going to be there until the mission is accomplished.

I felt like many feel about Iraq when it came to Bosnia.
We had no business being there. BUT, once we were.
Then lets damn well accomplish the mission then so they can come home.

THAT is how you support the troops.
Now is not the time to argue if we should be there or not. If one wants to argue about it one can argue how its being conducted. What should be done differently to accomplish the mission. That can be both healthy and productive.

But arguing at this point if we should be there is not. and only hurts our troops by sending them a message that they are wrong.
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Offline T0J0

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Violence in Iraq has dropped by 70 percent
« Reply #57 on: October 26, 2007, 08:49:39 AM »
Originally posted by SkyRock
Only a moron would call what has happened over there victory in any sense of the word.  Sad.

Your misunderstanding of history is of historical preportions.

Offline Yeager

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Violence in Iraq has dropped by 70 percent
« Reply #58 on: October 26, 2007, 09:57:18 AM »
what would Beavis and Butthead do?
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Offline john9001

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Violence in Iraq has dropped by 70 percent
« Reply #59 on: October 26, 2007, 10:17:12 AM »
there is a rumor going around that no US troops were killed or wounded in anwar province last week.

it can't be true, if it were true CNN and MCNBC would be headlining the story.  Wouldn't they?