Yea, sorry. I think I was replying to your post awhile back, got interrupted, and never posted.
The rank thing might be fun, but then again many of the best sticks rarely pay any attention to rank.
The reason I jumped straight to proximity range as a factor is that on the large maps (& ndilse) it's not too unusual for the country with the most numbers having to fight local hording situations on the flanks. Really the only time I have a problem with ENY is when I am fighting off in a corner of the map for hours, we get locally out numbered, but are still ENY limited.
ENY was to address the macro problem of one country consistantly fielding more pilots than the other two combined during prime time. Perk points and plane selection are already affected by country balance. I doubt adding points vs enemy to the list would change the country balance issue much.
Obviously I think modfactor3 is a great idea