Origanally posted by Lasz2
There has been talk of "common sense" on this board about not voting for either party.. this seems a contradiction.
If one party is very evil and the other is just slightly evil and a third is great but... no chance of winning... if you vote for the party that has no chance of winning and this allows the "very evil" guy to win out over the slightly evil one...
How much frigging common sense is that?
I normally would'nt be so abrupt, but...That kind of thinking isn't common sense. It's defeatism. It's accepting the status quo. It's the kind of thinking that's damn near ruined the U.S., already. It's the kind of thinking that perpetuates' all of the problems' that we ***** about on these BBS. We don't have many oppurtunities' to affect that outcome. But during election time, is when we need to act.
I agree with you on Arnold, except that I would add that during the Recall election, He came out like the other Repubs. I guess being an actor made that easy. Because He's as soft on issues like immigration and gun rights' as Feinstein and Boxer.
I'd like to add, that he was kind of a shoe-in, anyway. Gray Davis had literally burned every bridge, and Not enough of the Chicano's got out to vote for Cruz Bustamante. Hell, not even all of the regular Democrats' wanted Bustamante, because they thought that he would not only perpetuate the problems' we had with Davis, but that he would just make it even worse.