Author Topic: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High  (Read 3814 times)

Offline Locoweed

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Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« on: March 15, 2008, 12:35:12 AM »
 As a game programmer I like to check out and play other games every now and again. Aces High is an excellent MMO game that I could easily get additted to if I had the time. The realism is awesome and it seems like the Aces High team is adding more content to the game all the time to make the game better.

 Here is the one rub I have with the game playing it, and it is a very important aspect I don't think the Aces High team has planned into the game. I have played and help write some MMO games and never have I seen a MMO game with more distain for new members then this one. Even though I enjoyed the overall gameplay from the beginning, as a new member I found myself with nothing to do but practice some and then when I felt like joining in the fun all I ever got was grief.

 I would practice flying planes, then join in only to be rediculed. I would play 5" gunner on a CV and shoot down many attacking planes, never once to be congratulated by anyone. Actually, it almost felt like people were pissed that there was a newbie on the CV gun. Whether or not that is true, that is how it felt to me as a new member.

 The hatred for newbies in this game is unbelievable and it has more to do with the game design itself then anything else. The game designers need to add game content for new members where they can be respected and not be dished on from the day they join game. It is really rediculous in a way.

 Other than that, the gameplay is awesome.

 Please gamedev team lessen the hate on the newbies. I really don't see how you can increase your membership much with what they have to go through.

« Last Edit: March 15, 2008, 12:43:34 AM by Locoweed »

Offline Krusty

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2008, 12:44:13 AM »
How were you "ridiculed"?

Nobody will congratulate you unless they know you, in passing or as an online friend. Once you've been around and flown near the same group for a while they may congratulate you. If they see you near them, saw you fighting with them, and see your name in the buffer, they are more likely to do it than they would to some unknown on the text buffer.

The game itself has nothing to do with any perceived hatred to new members. Many players are harsh to new players that don't even try to fight, that HO, run, or dive from 20k on a single helpless target, miss, and run out of icon range (or crash) afterward. Or they are harsh when players suicide-divebomb carriers, and other things deemed reprehensive by the majority of them.

The lack of "welcome" in an online game is more reliant on the player than the game. It's up to new folks to see what they like to do, where, and when, and introduce themselves (so to speak) to the other players that share that interest. [Edit: This takes time! It's not instant! You can't just log in and instantly be loved by all!  ;) ]

Please note that trainers and folks in the TA (Training Arena) are usually more than helpful with new members. The MA is not the best place to jump in "feet first" without much practice.

Offline Locoweed

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2008, 12:53:20 AM »
Hi Krusty,

I understand what you are saying, but lets face reality here. Have you ever searched this forum with keywords "Newbie Hate"? Get real, there is newbie hate here no matter how much you want to think there is not. It exist here more than any other MMO I have ever seen, and I have played them all.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2008, 12:55:54 AM by Locoweed »

Offline moot

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2008, 12:59:21 AM »
The hatred for newbies in this game is unbelievable and it has more to do with the game design itself then anything else.
No it doesn't...  You're playing the game for the wrong reasons if being congratulated every step of the way is what you're after.

And new players usualy do take some flak if they spam the radio with endless questions, but in most cases someone steps up to show them the ropes.  Channel 6 is not used enough for this.. I tune to it when I have nothing to do during a climbout or something, and usualy there's more off-topic chatter than help discussion.

You're floggin "newbie hate" like it's a buzzword or something. The reality is that this game has a long and/or steep (depending on the player) learning curve, and sending people join requests and spamming radio with useless chatter, etc, gets old fast.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2008, 01:01:53 AM by moot »
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Offline Latrobe

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2008, 01:00:00 AM »
I don't hate newbies. In fact I try to help them the best I can. The only time I "hate" them is whe they do something wrong (such as drive a cv into a PT spawn, or a base with all ord up), and you tell them that that's not such a good idea but they don't reply at all and continue on with it.

Offline Locoweed

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2008, 01:01:09 AM »
Anyhow, I didn't come here to be loved as a newbie by all. The game is awesome, but the game is not newbie friendly and if you think it is, well, try being a newbie again. It's like when you have been programming a game for 3 years and someone new joins the team and says something isn't right, but they are right because they have a fresh view on it.

Offline moot

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2008, 01:05:47 AM »
Loco there's plenty of old players who'll go out of their way to help newbies up the first parts of the learning curve.  There's an official trainer corps, a training arena, a dueling arena once you're done with the basics in the TA.. There's a help channel... It's really not the game that's to blame, because the system is in place to seek and provide help.

The trainers and their clinics aren't advertised enough, neither is the help channel.. All in all the real problem is that everyone is too busy having fun to explain to newbies with some zipcode name you can't remember why it's not sensible to spam with questions when there's a whole arena, trainers, and some websites dedicated to answering their questions.

The complaints to newbies about HOs and 5" flakkin away at good furballs is hard for newbies to understand because it's culture shock.
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Offline DrDea

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2008, 01:09:53 AM »
 Other than the random idiot telling a noob to alt f4 to gain wep......I dont see your beef.What I DO see is someone who didnt get his or her ego stroked when they got kills and people didnt kiss their ass.In here you earn your rep.Good or bad.That doesnt happen over night and doesnt happen fast enough for most of the quake mentality group.You want respect?Earn it.Till then just do what you do and hope for the best.theres a bunch of people that will help noobs if you just arena is a good start,but to come in here and blast the game cause nobody gave you gratz on kills is weak and you need to grow up.Learn the game.Play the game.get what you earn and live with the rest.
 freakin nancy boys in here...I tell ya. :furious
The Flying Circus.Were just like you.Only prettier.

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Offline Locoweed

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2008, 01:11:50 AM »
hi moot,

 Yes, I do appreciate and understand that there are trainers and even members on their own that help new people, which is good, but that doesn't lessen the fact that new members feel like they don't belong here.

 Anyhow, it it just my opinion, that new members could be handled better than what it is now, nothing more.

Offline gpwurzel

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2008, 01:13:25 AM »
If I may interject a short while. I've only been playing since may(ish) last year - I've had nothing but people offering to help, giving tips etc etc since I started.

I still cant fight (too well) in fighters, cant bomb worth a dime, reasonable at gv'ing (ish) - but have had encouragement all the way along (which is good, as the learning curve in this game is a beast).

When I started asking dumb questions (which I still do) - I get directed to the appropriate resource - even if its just a blunt 1 liner - its not because people are being rude - they are still fighting/dying/gv'ing etc - and its difficult to be in a stall fight and type at the same time.

The trainers in this game are first rate (I've not managed to get to a planned session - but have been in the TA when some of them are on - they are always (and I mean always) only too willing to help - from explaining why flat turns are not the best option to how to hold e in a vertical engagement (where I still have trouble - but none of you buggers heard that right?  :D)

This game has a lot to offer, in the time I've played it, I feel fortunate to have made some damn good friends, shot a few people down and had a whole heap of fun. (not bad for a 44 year old child really  :aok)

It is what you make of it fella, everyone's mileage and opinion will vary, but for me, its the most fun i've had with my clothes on for a long long time.


Oh, and welcome to your new addiction - trust me, it gets waaaaaaay better. ;). If you see me online, gimme a shout, and I'll help in any way shape or form I can - we can go to the ta, and you can practise shooting at me (I'm so used to that bit lol), or even just chasing me round and round to help get the feel for whichever plane you want to choose.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2008, 01:17:30 AM by gpwurzel »
I'm the worst pilot ingame ya know!!!

It's all unrealistic crap requested by people who want pie in the sky actions performed without an understanding of how things work and who can't grasp reality.

Offline Adonai

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2008, 01:13:43 AM »
Hi Krusty,

I understand what you are saying, but lets face reality here. Have you ever searched this forum with keywords "Newbie Hate"? Get real, there is newbie hate here no matter how much you want to think there is not. It exist here more than any other MMO I have ever seen, and I have played them all.

I take it you have never played video games such as Counterstrike? Quake 2? Falcon 4 (flight sim), Any BBS game?

I once was one of top ranked counterstrike players in the world, and after taking few months off to other things in life and came back, was treated as a Harsh newbie. A seasoned veteran treated that way.
Quake 2 started in 1998 where it all began, veteran players picked on new players for "camping" the railgun. List could go on and on, you just have to learn to deal with it and remember, where some guy might get angry at you over being in the 5 inch guns, just ignore it - he probably got shot down because you didnt clear his 6 when its his job to clear his own 6, you pay the money for the game you should enjoy it.

Offline nimble

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2008, 01:14:29 AM »
Guess you haven't played....

WoW, EvE Online, PotBS, SWG, MXO, or even CoH and CoV. Don't even get me started on EQ, EQ2, and every other MMO out there. The only MMO with a community near or matching AHII is SoR, and that is because they are desperate. You must be coding instead of playing, because every community out there absolutely sucks. Period. No debate. Fact.

AHII has the most helpful users in any MMO to the point where they have volunteer trainers. Yea there are people who talk smack, but they are a minority to the cool folks.

I mean seriously this has to be a troll or you haven't played any other online game ever. Not even diablo.
Even if it seems certain that you will lose, retaliate. Neither wisdom nor technique has a place in this. A real man does not think of victory or defeat. He plunges recklessly towards an irrational death. By doing this, you will awaken from your dreams.

Offline Locoweed

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #12 on: March 15, 2008, 01:16:10 AM »
Other than the random idiot telling a noob to alt f4 to gain wep......I dont see your beef.What I DO see is someone who didnt get his or her ego stroked when they got kills and people didnt kiss their ass.In here you earn your rep.Good or bad.That doesnt happen over night and doesnt happen fast enough for most of the quake mentality group.You want respect?Earn it.Till then just do what you do and hope for the best.theres a bunch of people that will help noobs if you just arena is a good start,but to come in here and blast the game cause nobody gave you gratz on kills is weak and you need to grow up.Learn the game.Play the game.get what you earn and live with the rest.
 freakin nancy boys in here...I tell ya. :furious

Lol DrDea, very good.

Offline Adonai

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #13 on: March 15, 2008, 01:17:21 AM »
every community out there absolutely sucks. Period. No debate. Fact.

Thats all you need to know right there, Every community is like a Bell Curve.

10% are nice chaps willing to help you any day of the week, 80% Don't Care just want to fly, will give you a WTG if they know you
10% will flat out treat you like dirt.

Offline moot

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #14 on: March 15, 2008, 01:19:52 AM »
hi moot,

 Yes, I do appreciate and understand that there are trainers and even members on their own that help new people, which is good, but that doesn't lessen the fact that new members feel like they don't belong here.

 Anyhow, it it just my opinion, that new members could be handled better than what it is now, nothing more.
You can lead a horse to water...  And welcome to the game btw.
Hello ant
running very fast
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