It's pretty obvious why Obama attended that church, and it seems like a lot of y'all missed the mark.
If you want to be a successful, black politician in Chicago, you go to that church for the connections and contacts. It's pretty simple.
Doesn't make Obama some crazy racist out for reparations. It just makes him a typical, slimeball politician.
Thats about it in a nutshell. Obama is a little too young to be a rabid racist. He joined the church because it was Oprah's church (i.e., the movers and the shakers in the black community went there). The problem he has is now his stellar judgement seems bad and his "change" seems more of the same old political expediency game. I think he and his wife are anti-American in a European, trendy sort of way. He wants to be hip and intellectual without having to put in a lot of work. He'd sell his own white grandmother for the job -oh wait - he already did. While a state senator can get away with attending a church that teaches Black liberation Theology, its much harder to slide that past the diverse group that makes up America. It is eccentric, and to a lot of people, a deal breaker. There are few good reasons to support racist dogma, and yet the circus unfolds.
I really don't think he has any chance of winning now.