Thanks for bearing with the discussion everyone.
Ok, so as not to assume everyone knows everything, I'll take the liberty of showing you things you probably already know but I'd hate to overlook.
First, what we already do. check out the link to snapshot setups found <-- Right There. Each of those setups are completed snapshot events. Snapshots do not typically have a pre-determined leader, as much as I think they would benefit if they had them
The Snapshot is a rather informal event, which is designed to show people an alternative to the main arena, and provide an organized and relatively balanced event. The snapshot is a one frame, and generally a one life event, although 2nd life options come into play depending on the event. These are the easiest to setup and start out with.
This is the link to FSO ( Friday Squad Ops) event runs 3 Fridays in a row, is typically a one life event, again with modifiers to the setup, and is very regulated. The squads must register, in advance, and plug in commitment levels both Minimum and Maximum. The CM designs the event, with the rules and parameters, the CiC designs and distributes the orders, and no walkons are allowed. It is very formal, very controlled, and has grown to 400+ players per frame.
FSO is most likely something you do not want to try and duplicate at the start. You will drive yourselves batty putting in the hours of order design and have 30 people show up while the event design was for 150 or something. You would most likely want to start with a snapshot event, formalize it with picking leaders in advance, with orders, but allowing for stages of those orders depending on turnout. Turnout of 30-50 Target and Planeset A. Turnout up to 75-100 Add planeset and objective B, etc etc.
It would be my hope that you needed to organize a full Sunday Squad Ops and have to manage 250-300 players on a regular basis, and adopt the FSO model. But that's down the road.
If you browse through the site, you'll see the existing format we have in place, the registration page for scenarios and FSO, the setups we already use, and see quickly that we have a fully working model in place to do pretty much what you want.
Give the sites a look through, think about what you want to accomplish, and we can brainstorm this thing out to an event. If you don't hear from me over the weekend, it's cause I'm working on another event, but I'll check in. Use this place as you need to come up with ideas and discussions. When the times comes, we'll relocate to an existing forum or create a new one depending on the end result.