Hell RPM I like you, TxMom and Diablo. Hell if Mexico ever attacked Texas I know of thousands of Okies that would help defend Texas without being asked twice, I'm sure ya'll know that also.
But lazs' holiness and ability to speak for "they", "we" and "Texans" kinda thru me for a loop to where I'm nolonger authorized to play, incite or rib a Texan on any manner.
Then it came to mind that Kalifornication has no close States to rival with well other than Mexico.
My question is can a Librul Kalifornician InDUHvidual acually dictate to the States of Texas and to the State of Oklahoma wether they can partake in riveraly between respectable States?
I know Kaliforians are into the tree huggin fish save'n stuff but have you guys and girls seen any Kalifornication attempt to rescue Texas lately? We in Oklahoma has seen nothing.
Now don't get me wrong on this, kinda out on a limb.... do you expecpt that lazs inherent rights allows him to set laws in Texas and ban State to State rivary between Texas and Oklahoma?
Shouldn't be a political member within in the Legislation Branch of office in either Texas or Oklahoma that would make rivary permitted between our States without the outside of Kalifornia becoming involved?
I'd love to do a working dinner with RPM, TXMom and Diablo to ratify and introduce to the House a Clean Course of Rivary for Texas and Oklahoma. Make it official so all the whining tree huggin, snail darter savin Libruls from Kalifornia would just leave us the Hell alone.