That will never happen in an 'equal opportunity' society.
Until the world hardens the fk up a bit public schools will continue to teach to the lowest common denominator. I am very grateful that I was able to attend a school that had a program for slow learners that had them attend separate classes instead of having them sit through a regular English class and wonder why they failed for submitting 3/4s of a page for an essay that was alloted 2 hours to be completed. As harsh as it is to say so, I was incredibly frustrated when classes were held back because a couple of morons were unable to grasp impossibly simple concepts.
You're right about the parenting thing, though, where does one learn appropriate behaviour when the creatures that gave birth to you are complete and utter dead chits?
The trouble isn't so much with the kids it is with the fact that procreation is taken so lightly these days and also that the institution that nurtures this creation is entered into without due thought and consideration all too often.
We can sit here and shake our heads at these kids with no restraint and no sense of decency or respect all we like but ultimately (in many cases) the blame lies with the parents who somehow managed to escape Darwin's noose.
Having said that, kids seem to be suffering from an insufficient amount of the good old 'kick up the arse' when they fk about and because of this they seem to think that they can get away with anything they like and escape ever taking any blame for their own actions.
In reference to the thread topic... does anyone else have serious doubts about that particular teacher's ability to teach? I can't say that I am filled with confidence by her performance on camera. Judging by her body language and inability to exude any sort of authority or even confidence I'd say it's no small wonder that a student (literally, in this case) walked all over her. I suspect that she has very little control over any students at all, let alone ones that would assault a teacher.
Piss poor teachers, piss poor parents and deadchit kids? It's a no-win situation there.
When I was in school a student threw a chair at a teacher and the kid was expelled. End of story. The obvious solution to this situation seems to me to be as follows. First, expel the kid, perhaps the extra hour in transit every day to go to a school a bit further away will make him think about controlling his temper next time. 2 - Sit the teacher down and recommend a change of employment as she is clearly in the wrong field. Even for an art teacher she looks pathetically useless.