Author Topic: Online working OK, but AH Crashes when tyring to load 'Offline Practise'  (Read 276 times)

Offline Buzz03

  • Zinc Member
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As the title states, when i go to play on line - no issues - all good.

When i select Offline Practise, the preload box comes up, loads everything as per normal, then the screen momentarily goes black, then white. Stays white until a box comes up saying that AH had to close due to an error..??

 :huh :confused:

Offline MWL

  • Nickel Member
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  This worked for me.  Open AH.  Prior to clicking on the offline practice, open your video options link on the clipboard.  Uncheck preload textures and skins.

  Once I did that, offline started working again.


Offline Buzz03

  • Zinc Member
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  • Posts: 14
Nope, tried that - still doing the same, appreciate the suggestion though. It all worked fine on the old Patch 2, seems to be since downloading patch 3 that it's stopped working. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the latest (patch 3) game and that didn't solve it either... :confused: :confused: :confused:

Offline wantok

  • Copper Member
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Yep, no solution for most people yet, though some people have had good results from changing video settings - see the Going to offline practice crashes game thread.
Madina ... AHWiki

Offline AKDogg

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