Myelo, evolution is not supported by evidence in science. At least, not as it is being defined. I particularly like the link about previously unobservered genetic traits and how a new observed genetic trait is showing up. That's not science. There is not enough data to suggest that a trait has never existed before. There is no real refference to zero it. Hell, the technology to look at it has only been around for a microsliver of time.
Evolutionists have a tendancy to latch on to any result that can support a THEORY. They do not look at all results and then form a theory. The amount of data presented to originally support evolution was miniscule. The theory gained wider acceptance as people became disillusioned with religion yet still felt the need to explain the origin of life, the universe and everything. Science didn't really become the "weapon" of evolutionists for quite a while.
Now... "science" is the axe swung at every instant. I remember seeing a show on the missing link between reptiles and birds. I was interested in seeing the fossile that was presented (someone else mentioned this earlier). I looked at the photos of the fossile being evaluated and noticed the words "could be", "might be" and "suggests" used predominantly. This was evidence. It has since been shown to be wrong, but as long as results were "inconclusive", it was "evidence". What was funny was looking at the photos and wondering how the hell he was getting from point a to point b in his logic given the minimal data set he had (there were no clear markings indicating feathers or scales, just some subtle lines with no detail). Yet this was evidence.
It all reminds me of modern day misteries, where the hero takes a very minute set of data and makes a completely accurate assumption based on it. This does not happen in science. As data fills in, discoveries are made, but just exactly what is being discovered is not obvious until a butt-ton of data comes in. Evolution seems to be exempt from these basic rules of science. Hell... it's already a fact and we still do not have squat in the way of supporting data.