I would still like a TOD to be run like hostile shores was. A war of Attrition, I am tired of fighting in one frame, smoking a funky butt lovin of zeros only to see ALL N1K2 the next frame, how do U lose planes and get better ones? I still think they should have so many of one type of plane and a unlimited number of another type, Like for instance U have 2 squadrons of 8 planes they have been asigned Tempest, they lose 7 tempest in the first frame, should U have 7 tempest replace them, HECK NO, they would get typhoons to rplace the tempest loses. yeah this would suck for the most part but it would also make people less apt to not care in these events. I am tired of being sent on sucide runs in fighter or in bombers just to draw fighters away. If the TODs keep like this I doubt many other squads will keep in it, thats Y the numbers have dropped alot since it started.