You want to get things done? Appeal to the entrepreneurial spirit.
We've had literally decades to come up with fuel efficient cars from Detroit and around the world. Even the mighty Japanese auto industry stalls out around 40-50 mpg on internal combustion vehicles. You'd think with the various and continuing energy problems world wide, the free market would have been all over high mpg like a duck on a June bug. Nope, didn't really happen.
Government? Fugeddabowditt! Government regulation, suggestion, Corporate Average Fuel Economy rules... bah. The US industry stalls out in the mid 30 mpg range for the most part.
Nope, you want things done, you appeal to man's sense of a challenge and most of all his greed. How many of you are following the Automotive X Prize?
The goal of the Progressive Automotive X PRIZE is to inspire a new generation of viable, super fuel-efficient vehicles that offer more consumer choices. Ten million dollars in prizes will be awarded to the teams that win a stage race for clean, production-capable vehicles that exceed 100 MPGe.
Can't be done? Check out the early top 10 leaders in the race according to Popular Mechanics: things will come of this. The down the road end result of this is a few major manufacturers putting variations of the top few designs into production. Will we suddenly get 100+ mpg vehicles on the market? Nope. But maybe 5 years down the road 40 mpg will be old hat and 70 mpg will be available to the average Joe Commuter.
Will these cars replace everything? No, we'll still need pickup trucks and station wagons but for a lot of people they will be a "right" choice, particularly in heavily urban environments.
I wonder if the oil producing Arab states contributed to the $10 million prize?
Bottom line though is that if you want things DONE, forget about the government completely. Don't expect old, hidebound industrial management to even try to think outside the box; they can't see past their own golden parachute. Appeal to the visionaries and reward them for their efforts.