not to bad of an idea, i think instead of waiting to land to get your "name in lights"
every time any one gets a kill it should be a scrolling text, at that moment.
but in all reality the game is pretty awesome the way it is, except for the whiners and those who try to dictate what a person should fly.
example: i had a good fight with someone, I killed them and then <S> them because they at least fought, but he would not <S> back, i asked why? he said I don't <S> those that fly the Hurri2c, now to me that is just pathetic!
this was someone that i had respect for, but since than i have to admit i lost all respect for him.
get over yourself, who cares what others are flying, just because you fly this or that, does not make you any better or cooler than any one else.
damm sorry for ranting. I <<S>> those who want a good fight. i don't care what you fly, heck for that matter i would rather have you fly what you truly enjoy flying, so we can have the best possible fight, win or lose for me. it is all about the FIGHT.