...and I was referring to to scoring per se.
Doing away with scorekeeping entirely would be bad. The primary distinction between AH and any of a hundred first person shooters out there, besides a prodigous learning curve, is immersive continuity of experience. Tour based scorekeeping, if kept in proper perspective, is not only a usefull tool for self-improvement, it also facilitates development of that feeling of continuity of experience. There's a significant portion of the community that would lose interest in the genre altogether if not for the ability to set goals for themselves every tour and monitor their progress throughout, doing so provides an overarching context for their gaming experience. Remove any and all artifacts of scorekeeping and the game will quickly devolve into air-quake with suicidal planes instead of deranged ex-marines with medication issues.
As an example, let's say we remove scorekeeping, let's also assume the people who've enjoyed the goal setting aspect continue to play. You've now removed one of the biggest reasons half the players don't accept or attempt to force HO's/Rams or suicidally dive through 15 blazing acks to vulch you while landing just out of pure spite. Now instead of being punished with a score ruining death on their scorecard for their actions there are no negative repercussions whatsoever, they simply roll the dice with an ambivalent shrug. I, for one, although I do not play for score myself, am very happy a lot do...I have played quake, it held my interest for all of about 7 minutes...No thanks..