Bones I'm not feeding you any crap. If it seems like the right thing that no one deserves to know, then do it. I just thought it was inconsistent to attempt to spread something as needed as that, and be put off by a few bad apples.
My apologies if my post came across as personally directed at you. It was not.
It has always seemed to me that solar and wind power are usually best as point of use energy sources. With a grid backup, generated by nuclear or clean coal technology.
And yes, get a lot smarter about the kinds of appliances we use and the size and quality of our home construction.
No offense intended, but when you state your case like that, you sound a little like one of Art Bell's guests.
Seriously dude, your work sound interesting. I'd consult a patent attorney. It might cost what, 15k for a patent? You could scrape that together in a year of delivering pizza’s at night and weekends. Or mowing grass. If you had a patent pending and a functioning prototype, I don’t see how you’d have any problem acquiring some venture capital.
Good luck.
I know how much a patent costs. If I spend all my spare time working to get money to pay an attorney, then I would not have time to invest in my projects. As it stands, I will never be able to complete all my projects in my lifetime due to lack of time and money.
I know what the posts sound like. Some nut case waving a banner around saying, "Look at me! Look at me!". Does not hurt my feelings if that is what anyone thinks. Frankly, I would not blame you. A good dose of skepticism is what keeps most ideas grounded in reality.
Mr. Pickens could have and should have used a bit more skepticism before plunging head long into a project that simply cannot work.
You aren't Joseph Newman are you? If you aren't you should touch base with him - google him
Funny. Not unexpected though. You would be surprised how close you are to capturing the attitude of most people when confronted with something they do not understand.