I guess that this is the right place to post this... We will see.
Flew in first FSO yesterday - it was sort of interesting. I was put into AR234s which was OK with me. It is not a bomber that I fly that much - but it has its uses in MA and I'll up them from time to time.
As we were climbing out to target we got jumped - which I guess that happens often. I lost 2 drones but was able to pull away by hitting my RATO and dropping ord. No problem I thought - I'll re-arm. I know that HTC had disabled formation re-armng in MA (which I think kind blows - but whatever..) - but I was under the impression you could re-arm anything in FSO. Not so.
Given that you only get one life I think that you should be able to re-arm bomber formations in FSO.
Just my 2cents.