Well I'm glad I have raised the issue as I see a somewhat civil discussion arose out of it. I send my special greetings to those who have stood up and shared their own views.
Althought I do not agree with the opposing side arguments I respect your views. I do hope they will change over time however.
Any organization that has the blood of innocent civilians killed in a deliberate and monster like fashion should be condemned and treated as the cowards they are. This does not just encompass the SS, but other organizations such as the Soviet secret services, the KKK's in the states, or the jihadists in the modern muslim world.
Those that sided that the SS were proffesional soldiers, I do ask you to reverse the question upon yourselves and imagine if the name was 'Osama bin Laden' or 'Jihad against Wester Civilization in general'. How would you respond to views that those jihadists that can saw off innocent peoples heads infront of cameras are 'proffesional soldiers'? Would you side with them, and if not, does that not cripple your arguments? I think it does.
All of these extremist organizations share one common trait. They are not disgusted by the killing of the innocent in a personal and monster like fashion. Women, children, little girls and boys.
Dropping bombs on orders and face to face execution are two very different things. It takes two very different people to commit these acts. The justice system makes that distinction. I hope you do as well.
Again thank you for participating.