Alot of people have paid for this garbage. This is the old waterforgas web site and they use masson jars, no bubblers or any other safety devices. Pretty much just building a fuel air bomb under the hood. Alot of people have seriously damaged their cars and gotten hurt with this set up, not to mention those book tell you to use baking soda as a catalyst, and regular tap water. NOT GOOD!!!! Tap water has too many impurities in it that will create a nasty brown sludge in the chamber, and baking soda will generate clorine gas and carbon dioxide which is really bad when you pump that into a running engine.
The hydroxy boosters do work for many people on many cars but they have to be built and maintained correctly. There are alot of things that have to be done to see results and most people don't know enough to read all the information out there and understand it all.
This is my first bench test booster made from cast acrylic tubing and 316 stainless steel electro plates in a double cell 8 plate per cell arrangment. This one make about 1.5 liters per minute of HHO gas and it burns just fine.
Booster chamber and bubblers
Electro plate double cell
Cell stack in the chamber
I'm building a larger chamber right now and have a new cell stack ready to install with a double stack 9 plate arrangment. Should get close to 2 LPM with the new one and that's what will go into my truck. I'll keep the smaller one as a bench test unti for further research.