Ham, your wiki link doesn't go into much detail about dates and models flown. It just says "in 1943" ...
The other link about the A20 also doesn't help too much. Delivered isn't "saw combat"
In the first-hand interview of the Russian before your reply, he's mentioned several times how hundreds of pilots, support personnel, and other people were being moved around, nobody knew what was going on, or when they would get any planes, that some of the planes spent a long time in the forward depots undergoing glass nose conversions for navigation, that after a long delay only one plane showed up for them to train on (they had not flown or worked on these planes before, had no supplies for them yet, had no combat practice, it was totally new) and even later after getting a small number of them it doesn't seem his squadron saw much action until late in 1944.
They had received brand-new planes, and were learning how to fly, fight, repair, maintian, house, and "function" with said new planes. Look how long it took the F4u to see much combat! Same deal: There's a difference between delivered and "used in action"