So my parents were failures for having 2 out of 8 kids act like social rejects? 2 out of 8 refused to be taught, refused to listen, went their own way instead of what they were being taught be people who loved them...and that means my parents screwed up in a big way?
I think just the opposite, they succeeded with 6 that listened to them (for the most part). They were not failures, the failures were my 2 brothers.
At some point, I would hazard a guess, your 2 brothers were faced with choices that led them to the paths of (as you call it) failure. Your parents, still guessing here as I know very little of this situation, failed to prepare them for those choices.
Perhaps the influence for your brothers' decision making processes came from a source other than your parents. So, if that were the case, they would not be directly responsible. Perhaps, though, they could have kept your brothers from being influenced by this hypothetical outside person or source, making them indirectly responsible. Maybe with so many siblings, they were the ones that got the least of your parents attention. Who knows? I guess it doesn't matter as they are not attempting to be at the top of the Executive branch of the government.
I hope I'm not offending you by throwing all of that conjecture out there regarding your family. You did bring it up, though, and asked me what I thought.
Let me ask you this: Do you think all of the laws that hold parents financially responsible for their (juvenile) children's criminal activities should be thrown out? For instance - in my area, they are considering a law that would hold parents accountable for their kids that spray paint or otherwise vandalize. There are many laws like this all over the country. That just goes to show that many Americans do think that parents are responsible for their kids - whether they know what those kids are doing or not.