Author Topic: Pushing 1.09 and auomatic resupply  (Read 121 times)

Offline ET

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Pushing 1.09 and auomatic resupply
« on: October 27, 2001, 02:24:00 PM »
Before we go head long into 1.09,maybe its time to clean up 1.08 problems first.

The Gv spawn points.Not good at present time.

The Normal World field maps on clipboard.Have not been updated to show new base layouts.Would help new guys.

Depot damage could be shown % wise as are airfields on clipboard.

Automatic resupply.Nothing should be automatic.You want to resupply base,put a driver in the train to do it.If we kill the barracks and ammo,some one should have to do something to resupply it.Same as goon or M3.
Its hard to beat a train that runs every 5 minutes.If I think to kill it,some one else should have to think to bring it back up.

Killing entire town to capture base,big improvement in strategy.

Killing entire Depot to capture it. Same as town.

Resupply with goon or M3,a great idea.Train resupply should be set up the same way.You want to resupply,you should have a driver.

These are my thoughts.In 1.07 I knew that if we had a base under attack,that we could get a half hour relief from goons by killing nme barracks and relief from bombing by killing their ammo, but with automatic resupply it doesn't work anymore with the automatic trains.But you can kill fuel and radar and they stay down a half hour unless a person brings in resupply.Ammo and barracks should work the same way.

And guys running resupply should get some kind of perk points.Its as dangerous as bringing goons and just as important.

That being said,1.08 is a great release and the game gets better with every new release.


Offline SKurj

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Pushing 1.09 and auomatic resupply
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2001, 07:53:00 PM »
We wanted trains to shoot... so shootem! same goes for trucks, its not like they resupply a base every 5 minutes.


Offline jpeg

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Pushing 1.09 and auomatic resupply
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2001, 04:22:00 PM »
There needs to be some sort of automatic resupply, otherwise fields will hardly ever be rebuilt. Most ppl are just interested in flying fighters are the lone wolf types

There should be manable Anti aircraft guns on trains though.