kinda like when Oboma made fun of McCain over how many houses he owned, what was the count one for every kid he has?
just saying it goes both ways!
Oboma didn't mean to insult Palin with the lipstick comment, but the crowd there thought he was,
and he rolled right on with all that yelling and applause,
so was he tired and not thinking about what he was saying? i think so !
it's a gaff either way.
they will both make them from here on out and they will both make fun of the other for doing it, so what?
neither one is gonna change your mind or mine about who to vote for!
I have said it before, vote for the one you like the most, or trust the most, or the one that hurts the least!
the so called undecided either isn't smart enough to know, or doesn't care about the issue's,
all they want to see is which one can best the other on the late night talk show monologs!
they want to know if Mrs. Palin will cry , or if Oboma will blow a gasket?(I'm betting on the latter! no suprise there)