Author Topic: Killshooter: An idea that is outdated.  (Read 562 times)

Offline Arlo

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Killshooter: An idea that is outdated.
« Reply #15 on: December 30, 2001, 09:20:00 PM »
Oh yeah, getting killed because someone got in front of you to steal a kill is a much better option than either of those. (Solves dying from someone else's mistake or selfish tactic - even if it costs you the kill.) Besides, since when has anyone jumping in front to get the kill ever WORRIED about killshooter? Don't all the practitioners of that tactic all speak up at once, now.  :)

 But if you have an option you want to share ...

Originally posted by sling322:
So tell me again how that solves anything at all Arlo...

Then we would have to put up with constant whines about a guy flying in front of you and keeping you from shooting a con.  This would be just as bad as kill stealing.  For example, you see a friendly chasing a con, you swoop in front of said friendly taking fire from said friendly.  Said friendly will be forced to stop shooting or will have all his ammo taken.  You are then free to shoot down the con without worrying about your buddy that you just swooped in front of killing himself with killshooter.  

What exactly does this solve?

Offline Pongo

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Killshooter: An idea that is outdated.
« Reply #16 on: December 30, 2001, 09:30:00 PM »
I dont see anything here that is better then killshooter.
Warnings are out of the question. The 262 in question would be dead and a warning issued? I think Vega would be more pissed about that.
The current system puts an over whelming onus on the shooter to be sure he is clear to fire. How can we make it better then that?

I have died enough times to kill shooter. 90% of the time I had not timed it quite right and paid the price.

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Killshooter: An idea that is outdated.
« Reply #17 on: December 30, 2001, 10:02:00 PM »
I did share my option Arlo....the current system works just fine.  Like Mako said, if you arent situationally aware enough to not see the guy swooping into your line of fire, then perhaps another game is better for you...something like Tetris maybe.   :)

The only time killshooter has ever killed me is when I do it on purpose to scare the toejam out of a squaddie and accidentally hit him...or when I drop bombs and happen to hit a friendly ground vehicle parked in a hangar or something.

Offline Blue Mako

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Killshooter: An idea that is outdated.
« Reply #18 on: December 30, 2001, 10:37:00 PM »
LOL sling, Tetris!  I can see the Tetris-shooter whines now: "That green block jumped in front of my red block when I was about to land it!  Waaaaaaaaah!"   :D

Offline Arlo

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Killshooter: An idea that is outdated.
« Reply #19 on: December 31, 2001, 01:20:00 AM »
Hell, just turn it off altogether. The guy persuing his kill shouldn't hafta add in friendly obstructions to his SA equation unless it's a bonafide furball, that's silly. The guy thinking he can slip in there and take the kill when it's clearly a situation under control should. Running into your stream should be penalty enough for such behavior.

 Frag happy kids on the rampage? I think there's a better solution there as well.

 "Frag me once, shame on you .... frag me twice ..."  ;)

(ShruG - try it for a week ... if you're not 100% completely satisfied with the product then whine until it's turned back on.)  :D

 Disclaimer: Just a suggestion - don't make more of it than that.

Offline Seeker

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Killshooter: An idea that is outdated.
« Reply #20 on: December 31, 2001, 01:58:00 AM »

wait until you see a good MA furball.

Most of these guys whining about KS are usualy to be seen at 2 feet off the deck as # 4 or 5 in a gang banging conga line.

Ignore them, pass them over and look for a fight in place of a kill, and suddenly KS isn't a problem.

I've been killed ONCE by KS in almost a year - and I'm virtualy the worst virtual shot in this virtual universe.

Offline Arlo

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Killshooter: An idea that is outdated.
« Reply #21 on: December 31, 2001, 02:04:00 AM »
Good point, my opinion needs physical verification.  :(

Offline Boozer

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Killshooter: An idea that is outdated.
« Reply #22 on: January 01, 2002, 01:03:00 PM »
Only time I've died killshooter is whe I've been protecting a bomber and the tgt gets between me & said buff I'm supposed to save (not shoot  :).

Offline Arlo

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Killshooter: An idea that is outdated.
« Reply #23 on: January 02, 2002, 02:10:00 AM »
Just quoting Ben. This is actually probably the best option ... for those that want an option (if it also means the ability to shoot through to the target, maybe even better).

 Some may say it's better ... some may say it's better than nothing .... some may not. Lord knows if there's a way to abuse the system, experienced simmers/gamers CAN and WILL find it.   :D


Originally posted by BenDover:
why don't we have the one that TFC uses? ie. when you shoot a friendly, no damage is applied to the shooter, or the person taking hits

[ 01-02-2002: Message edited by: Arlo ]

Offline Vortex

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Killshooter: An idea that is outdated.
« Reply #24 on: January 02, 2002, 03:12:00 AM »
Originally posted by sling322:
So tell me again how that solves anything at all Arlo...

Then we would have to put up with constant whines about a guy flying in front of you and keeping you from shooting a con.  This would be just as bad as kill stealing.  For example, you see a friendly chasing a con, you swoop in front of said friendly taking fire from said friendly.  Said friendly will be forced to stop shooting or will have all his ammo taken.  You are then free to shoot down the con without worrying about your buddy that you just swooped in front of killing himself with killshooter.  

What exactly does this solve?

This is happening a fair bit already. I'm seeing a few players use it as a tactic a bit too frequently to be coincidence. But then that's one of the fundamental flaws of always assumes the shooter is at fault and applies a VERY extreme penalty on the heals of that.

Killshooter also serves to penalize people with marginal network connections or low to mid end systems. Stopping dweebs from firing blindly is not something any tool can do. After all, that happens now, a lot. Killshooter does nothing to prevent dweebs from being dweebs. Heck, most new comers probably have no idea it even exists. And it definitely doesn't prevent folks from getting your kill. Quite the contrary actually, its a handy tool to ensure they get it. After all its very hard for you to kill anything if you just shot yourself down. For more experienced players it can be an effective means by which they can grief...and it is certainly used as such. In short, a whole lot of bad for little to no good.

The problem is that you really only have two viable options; 1) do away with it entirely (I prefer this one) or, 2) make the effects of the tool a bit more representative of the underlying causes (i.e. most instances are absent of malice). If you're going with #2 the fact of the matter is I shouldn't be killed because someone is trying to block me; nor should another fella be killed because his network connection is a tad slow; or his gear isn't top end and FPS' aren't quite up to snuff. And no he shouldn't be killed for just being a dweeb and firing a bit wildly either.

There's much better ways of doing this not the least of which is DA98's recommendation of losing guns for a short period (register a message in chat window too, similar to kill messages). You can also implement a 2-4 second blackout...although since the blackout model here is actually greyouts (i.e. you can still fly and shoot when fully "blacked out") DA98's suggestion is likely the better of the two. I think taking ammo away, or anything that takes away your ability to fight that flight, really isn't the way to go. It is, after all, just a different flavour of what is in place now.

Granted #2 doesn't completely prevent griefs from being griefs, although it does make  the tactic a lot less effective since the shooter stays alive. And warps will still from mess your shot, or that clunky old video card will still wheeze past 12 FPS...and dweebs will still be dweebs (like you're going to change that with this anyway, right? ;-> ). What it does do though is tone the severity down a bit and make it so there is still a penalty, just not as severe.

A good middle ground that's a whole lot more practical imo.


[ 01-02-2002: Message edited by: Vortex ]
The Musketeers, circa 1990

AH In-Game Handle: Vort

Offline Blue Mako

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Killshooter: An idea that is outdated.
« Reply #25 on: January 02, 2002, 05:00:00 PM »
Originally posted by Seeker:
Most of these guys whining about KS are usualy to be seen at 2 feet off the deck as # 4 or 5 in a gang banging conga line.

Yup.  If you aren't trying to kill a con while in the middle of 5 friendlies chasing down 1 poor enemy sod then KS shouldn't ever affect you.

Removing KS or making it less painful to the shooter will just encourage more of the banging conga line approach.  Every time you saddle up on someone you will have dweebs spraying wildly past you to get the kill you are about to make.  This IMO is much worse than getting punished occasionally for having bad SA.

Offline akak

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Killshooter: An idea that is outdated.
« Reply #26 on: January 02, 2002, 05:42:00 PM »
In AW, we had PNG (Persona Non Grata) for friendly fragging incidents.  If you shot down more than two friendlies, you couldn't take off with any ammo for 24 hours.  After the 2nd friendly frag, each kill after that was an additional 24 hours.  I'm sure that after the first 24 PNG ban, people will start to get more disciplined in their shooting.  I know I did after my 1st and only PNG ban.

Offline Fatty

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Killshooter: An idea that is outdated.
« Reply #27 on: January 02, 2002, 05:43:00 PM »
The shooter is always at fault.  There is not a single instance of killshooter failure listed here that the shooter could not have avoided by paying attention to his surroundings.

I'll join the occasional happy train flying in circles at 500 feet.  If I want a shot there are real consequences if I'm not paying attention to the other 4 people chasing that con, and not for them, but for me.  I screw up, I die, and that's the way I like it.

I'm not sure where this network connection theory came in.  You must still shoot a plane on your FE to be damaged by killshooter, if that plane is lagging behind it's real position or is in its true position you still need only not shoot where it appears to your system.  If it is so bad that planes are warping all over the place, well, frankly that's too bad.

Offline Vortex

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Killshooter: An idea that is outdated.
« Reply #28 on: January 02, 2002, 07:40:00 PM »
Originally posted by Fatty:
The shooter is always at fault.  There is not a single instance of killshooter failure listed here that the shooter could not have avoided by paying attention to his surroundings.

I'll join the occasional happy train flying in circles at 500 feet.  If I want a shot there are real consequences if I'm not paying attention to the other 4 people chasing that con, and not for them, but for me.  I screw up, I die, and that's the way I like it.

I'm not sure where this network connection theory came in.  You must still shoot a plane on your FE to be damaged by killshooter, if that plane is lagging behind it's real position or is in its true position you still need only not shoot where it appears to your system.  If it is so bad that planes are warping all over the place, well, frankly that's too bad.

That's not at all true Fatty.

I had a perfect example of a network blip doing exactly this. Insofar as the FE goes, you're dead wrong I'm afraid. The focal point is the server, THAT'S where the planes exist in the virtual sense. There's 1001 ways data can be lost, corrupted, delayed etc in relaying that info back to your FE.

Since I have to act from what MY FE shows me if I don't get proper data relay betwen the server and myself that is precisely where these problems arrise the plane. Case in point. I'm in guns range of a Lanc. The closest plane to me is a friendly P51 closing slowly from 500 yds back. I open up, and on the heals of that the P51 warps directly in front of me. This was instantanious. One second I have a clear shot at the buff, the next there's a P51 50 yards in front of me taking pings from my guns, immediately followed by my death. There was no movement of the plane in, nothing. Just wham, he was there.

These are not that uncommon in busy areas.

On the issue of it simply being "too bad", well, *shrug* that's indeed a given It adds nothing to the discussion mind you, but it states the obvious quite well which is always good I guess.

The fact still remains there's much better ways to implement this tool.

The Musketeers, circa 1990

AH In-Game Handle: Vort

Offline 715

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Killshooter: An idea that is outdated.
« Reply #29 on: January 03, 2002, 12:16:00 AM »
How about this:  have a relatively large hit bubble for friendly to friendly shots.  Have the hit bubble absorb all friendly shots with no damage to anyone, but don't let them pass thru to an nme; in fact don't allow them to even pass the friendly- so he doesn't even see the tracers.  The only complaint this would not address, I believe, is the one of someone "stealing" a kill by getting in front of you as you saddle up a target.  Well... if he got in front of you, closer to the enemy, well then... it's his target now, isn't it?