Author Topic: How can you get the joy out of.....  (Read 990 times)

Offline Adonai

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Re: How can you get the joy out of.....
« Reply #30 on: September 26, 2008, 11:14:14 PM »
Ok I heard enough crap about the 190 - first thing first - take up a 190a5 and fly it - there is a reason why the spitfire could not match it when it first came out, you got to understand the 2 best fighters of ww2 were the P47 jug and the Fw190 - reason being is because both were adapted to serve a role which most fighters could not take. For example - A P-51 mustang was NOT designed for ground attack, any historians know single bullet in coolant and its engine froze up. Fw-190 was designed first as an air superiority fighter, later it was adapted for ground attack (F-8 model, and G models) - then later the Fw-190a8 model - which became a buff destroyer, and finally the FW-190d9 an interceptor - designed to intercept bombers and fighters, however ended up to protect me-262's taking off and landing a role not quite suitable never the less did its job very well. Finally the Ta-152 a very high alt interceptor to engage p-51's and Spit 14's over Germany and fight on equal grounds.

Basically here's the deal - The 190 is not an easy plane to learn, it has mega draw backs such as *it cant turn with spitfires* however it does have a good top speed, awesome firepower and has a seriously wicked roll rate.  Now to have fun in a 190? its simple - Learn the attributes a 190 has (good climb rate, amazing roll rate, good top speed) and use it against your opponent. Any really decent Fw190a5 pilot can tell you - the plane is worth its eny value. The Fw190a5 can actually turn quite good, pack a great punch for being a 1942/43 fighter - and turn with MOST (not all planes in the game, including the ZERO) however it will hold its own in an energy fight. Fw 190 is perhaps an over-easy model to the P-51 and served same easy-mode lesson: If you get in trouble you can get out easy based on its speed alone, someone like me who flies an early model me109 has no chance to catch either plane unless they turn fight me, makes some "newbies" enjoy the one attribute they can rely on daily to get them home to land their 2 kills and 0.45 perks they earned picking from 19,500 feet.

Offline BaldEagl

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Re: How can you get the joy out of.....
« Reply #31 on: September 26, 2008, 11:33:37 PM »
The A8 is and always has been my highest K/D rate fighter.  If (... I mean when) you do get on someone's six there's virtually no escape.  I love to watch them squirm before the 30's hit.
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Offline Xasthur

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Re: How can you get the joy out of.....
« Reply #32 on: September 27, 2008, 12:47:33 AM »
BnZ is right about the Dora being similar to the Pony. A couple of my squadies love Ponies but I'm absolutely rubbish in them, so when we do a fighter sweep I take the 190 D and roll with their Ponies. Each aircraft's attributes compliment eachother's well in the situation. I feel like it needs to be said that the 190 D is an aircraft all of it's own, the differences between the Dora and A series is huge. A completely different style of engine and different fuselage lenghts give them a very different set of attributes.
Raw Prawns

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Offline BnZ

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Re: How can you get the joy out of.....
« Reply #33 on: September 27, 2008, 08:34:04 AM »
BnZ is right about the Dora being similar to the Pony. A couple of my squadies love Ponies but I'm absolutely rubbish in them, so when we do a fighter sweep I take the 190 D and roll with their Ponies. Each aircraft's attributes compliment eachother's well in the situation. I feel like it needs to be said that the 190 D is an aircraft all of it's own, the differences between the Dora and A series is huge. A completely different style of engine and different fuselage lenghts give them a very different set of attributes.

I imagine they did in R/L, in AH all 190s feel very similar to me except for performance and weight.

And yeah, the 190As are a bit obsolete in L/W. Too much stuff is faster, turns much better, AND has a better thrust/weight ratio. The A4/A5 was dynamite when the hottest Allied fighter was the SpitV. We've got no 190A version that represents a real performance advantage over our early version (The A8 is a little faster on the deck, otherwise its a buff-hunting pig), and I think that is kind of a shame.