Tonight, for what it's worth.... McCain lost the election, but not on substance. I actually thought he was surprisingly decent. I'm one of those Independents everyone talks so much about. His arguments were sometimes good on substance, if not thick at times.
Where he lost is this.... Tonight I watched him and saw an angry, crotchety old man. He did not give his opponent any sort of credit, and seemed to hold open contempt for him. I saw an old man so set in his ways, so as not to listen to any opinion other than those who agree with him. He wouldn't look at Obama. Sneered at him.
Basically, acted like a 72 year old 5 year old.
Mark my words. He lost the election tonight. (when he was good on substance). Many, many people will be turned off by his attitude, and open disrespect toward his opponent.
Of course some of you, who didn't get any love from daddy, will love him for it. You will say he is "strong". I simply said, may people won't like this image of John McCain, hunched over like the Emperor in Star Wars, grumbling angry words about Obama. McCain's performance was not one of strength.... Ask Barack what happened when he lightly shunned Hillary. (dropped 9 points the next day)
IMO, even when the substantive argument went to McCain, Obama still acted more presidential. More grown up, and respectful. Obama narrowly wins this debate, based on this. McCain, loses the election if he continues to act like a geriatric old bastard.