IMO the spray and pray game isn't nearly as fun as it was back when we all had cheap markers. Granted I'm in my 30s now so if you're a young kid, feel free to ignore my opinion, its what I probably would have done.
First, any indoor paintball facility sucks. Don't even bother, and I don't care where it is or how they claim to have made their facility "better". Find some empty woods, get permission to use it, make sure its not hunting season so you don't get shot for real, and you'll have more fun for much less money than any indoor place, even if you factor in buying extra tanks so you don't run out of CO2 or Air, and having to ref the games yourself.
Second, when the people you play with start upgrading from Spiders and Tippmans (or whatever is low to mid end now) to Mags and Cockers (or whatever is high end now), that's the first sign that you should consider getting everyone to buy one cheap pump (or an expensive pump if they want). If you and your friends are taking on the expensive of a high end marker, you can afford an extra marker low end marker at this point, and what will surprise you is that the pump-only games you play will be more fun. A side bonus is that you'll save on paint.
Now if you take a pump to a semi-auto game, you're going to get smoked. Some pump players say with enough skill you can keep up or excel, but I know I never got to that point lol. You really need to get everyone to put down the semis for a game or two, just for fun. Hopefully they won't whine too much and will realize the awesomeness of less firepower and more strategy and agility.
If you're a more casual player, don't buy a high end marker or you're going to regret having spent $1000 on a marker that spends most weekends collecting dust (as mine does). When you actually get to play, you won't even remember how to maintain it properly and it'll work poorer than a cheap gun. If I had to do it again, I'd never have bought my custom autococker and I'd have gotten a tippman with that long-shooting gimick thing, whatever it was called. My marker would have been great if I played every other weekend, but I got older and interested in other things, and now its a waste of money.
I am proud of my CCI Phantom though, wish I could find some people that would play pump around here.