That's the problem with you guys that think voting no on the rescue plan will teach them a lesson.
Try not to be a chowderhead.
I haven't seen ANYONE here saying there should be no "rescue plan" whatsoever. <EDIT: Well, OK.. except Waffle and Sluggish
What most of us in oppostion have been saying is that THIS particular "rescue plan" (to use the new "sell the sheep" politically correct term for the old "bailout") stunk. It was a crock of poop. It was an attempt to railroad through a big payoff to the Richie Rich guys before anyone had time to analyse the problem. It was a money grab.
Now, after our hard working <cough> Representatives come back from their brief holiday, they can settle down, examine the problem and put forth a solution that DOES indeed include proper oversight, includes a way to get a return of the money eventually and some precautions to try and prevent the next Wall Street excess.
There will be a bail... er, rescue plan in less than two weeks. Hell, they may come back and pass this original one with a few minor changes on Thursday feeling their token resistance is sufficient cover to allow the rape of the American taxpayer to go forward.
But again, I haven't seen anyone say there should be no bail.... er, rescue plan at all.