Author Topic: How about a "Million Taxpayer March"  (Read 643 times)

Offline SkyRock

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Re: How about a "Million Taxpayer March"
« Reply #30 on: October 03, 2008, 12:39:55 PM »
I used to think I was gay for SkyRock, now I know.
Not interested.

Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"

Offline JAGED

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Re: How about a "Million Taxpayer March"
« Reply #31 on: October 03, 2008, 12:40:46 PM »
I'm interested in you, wanna play?

Fixed, you sicko!  :aok
"I post facts.   If I post anything thats not a fact, I ask if people know whether it is fact or drivel first..."    SkyRock (ROFL LMFAO)

Offline Timofei

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Re: How about a "Million Taxpayer March"
« Reply #32 on: October 03, 2008, 01:09:25 PM »
Nice chart, Timofei, but it could be more informative.  For instance who was in control of The Congress over those time periods?

Good catch. (and you too, Holden) This chart seems to show that they are spending more and more regardless of which party has the majority:
Total Federal Spending, in Billions,1965–2008

« Last Edit: October 03, 2008, 01:12:25 PM by Timofei »
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Offline Holden McGroin

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Re: How about a "Million Taxpayer March"
« Reply #33 on: October 03, 2008, 01:52:21 PM »
Good catch. (and you too, Holden) This chart seems to show that they are spending more and more regardless of which party has the majority:
Total Federal Spending, in Billions,1965–2008
(Image removed from quote.)

That's why we need wholesale replacement of congress, regardless of political party.  Get some new ones in there that will promise a constitutional amendment that mandates congressional term limits.
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Offline Chalenge

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Re: How about a "Million Taxpayer March"
« Reply #34 on: October 03, 2008, 01:59:56 PM »
SkRock BC didnt balance the budget by the classical definition of the word. What he did was 'balance' the budget by stealing from social security and moving it to other columns of the 'balance sheet.' When Bush took over Clinton said there was a 'surplus' but in fact there was a deficit just like there is now only today its worse. It will always be worse unless we tar and feather our representatives or they run for France. There are no Conservatives in Government anymore they are all tax and spend morons.
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Offline Fangio

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Re: How about a "Million Taxpayer March"
« Reply #35 on: October 03, 2008, 02:44:14 PM »
I don't care what it cost to defend this country and am proud that a our leaders have the intestinal fortitude to defend it at all cost. Something the Dem care less about.

What if what it costs you is Victory?

I believe that OBL and crew has been fighting this war right from the beginning with a strategy designed to specifically target where the United States is most weak.  That is fiscally.  We are a nation swimming in debt with mountains more looming on the horizon. We are also a nation with the most powerful military the planet has ever seen.  If YOU were committed to defeating such an opponent, where would you focus your efforts?  Clearly a battlefield won victory is not going to happen. But how about defeating your enemy be bankrupting him?

OBL I believe learned how to best defeat a superpower from Reagan. Force your fiscally weak enemy to spend himself into oblivion.  Al-Q has been even more effective at deploying such a strategy though it did take 13 years of trying,  culminating in the 9/11 attack before the US sat up and began playing his game. But since then we have been playing along exactly as OBL would wish.  Think about it.  If YOU were OBL and you wanted to end the ability of the United States of America to project power into the middle east how would you tackle the problem?  Would you think you could defeat the US on the battlefield?  Or would you determine that the US weakness was in the fiscal systems debt levels and devise a strategy aimed at exploiting this?

The winning Al-Q strategy is very simple:   trade each brainwashed 18 year old middle eastern kid with an AK-47 and IED's life for $10 million in US defense spending. Given that they have an unlimited supply of brainwashed youth to throw away and they have absolutely no qualms about seeing any number of them sacrificed this is a winning strategy that relies simply on patience more than anything else.

Now, I fear their strategy has yielded the victory they desire.  IF this fiscal system debacle that we seeing play out now continues down the path of collapse as I fear it will the War on Terror will be over as the US will not be able to fund the overseas operations. I believe OBL may have won.


Offline Hangtime

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Re: How about a "Million Taxpayer March"
« Reply #36 on: October 03, 2008, 03:09:11 PM »
If I was a terrorist working for a terrorist government and I wanted to destroy the American way of life, I wouldn’t use bombs and bullets to kill folks. Jezzus Freakin grapefruit, that’s too damn dangerous, I could get caught or killed (or both). American Citizens are armed, alert… and angry.

So, no; hell no. Going toe to toe with the infidels will never work. The really good terroristia governments get real results and lay the blame where it can’t be found. Remember.. the Islamic terrorist manifesto is to destroy ‘western civilization’. Chucking airliners into skyscrapers live on CNN is a good attention getter; but modern terrorism isn’t just about dropping a few buildings and killing a few thousand Americans. Hell; there’s more’n 300 million of ‘em. (and more coming over their southern border every day)

So; here’s what I’d do if I was a terrorist government bent on destroying America.

Since American Presidents, Congressmen and Senators represent NOT the citizens that voted for them but rather the corporate entities and lobbyists that paid for their elections… I’d have my terrorist sponsors get control of the funds that feed the lobbyists. A few calls to a half a dozen or so interested (and wholly owned) Oil cartels should do the trick… every November we’ll own even more American Lawmakers.
Next, to get things rolling I’d give my puppet congressmen & women their marching orders and get legislation passed that makes it possible for foreign companies to get their products to America without them having to pay the same duties that American companies would have to pay to export their products over there. We’ll call it ‘Free Trade’.

Then, I’d make it legal for foreign government owned and subsidized businesses to compete with American companies for Defense Department contracts. This way, we can get a look at the plans for free before they even get their new radar or satellites into production…. And when they do go into production we can make sure they work like crap.

Of course, this kind of legislation quickly clears the way for the legal buy out by foreign investors of the majority of the now weakened American factories; plus we’d gain control of their manufacturing patents and machinery. You know; move the factories and the payrolls to foreign countries so there are no more good paying American factory jobs.

Then I’d sell the resulting massive foreign trade debt back to international banking cartels and finance firms owned outright by governments hostile to American interests. Anybody got China’s phone number handy?? I wonder if those gangster Russian Politicians would be interested in a little piece of the American Pie… oh, and fer cripes sakes, lets throw the Eurotards a bone too.. we’ll give ‘em those defense contracts on the new American Air Force Tanker…

This of course de-values the dollar so the price of EVERYTHING would go up even more. See?? Once we own their economy, their Tax base for the next 3 generations AND their lawmakers, we can get down to the real nitty gritty. Remember… the Mission is ‘Destroy the American Way of Life’….

Next, I’d make quality education un-affordable and public education laughable… because terrorists don’t like having educated folks around; it’s bad fer recruitment. Let’s give it a fancy stirring fanfare introduction and call it ‘No Child Left Behind’.

I’d make healthcare difficult to get, expensive as all hell and I’d make it easy for the insurance companies to deny claims and refuse treatment; let ‘em get away with outright murder… killing millions more Americans every year; but not before the foreign owned pharmaceutical and healthcare cartels soak them first for everything they own to pay for the prognosis and the meds.

And, since quality terrorism is kinda pricey I’d make it easy for my greedy wall street and corporate sponsors to make a fat profit on energy and food price speculation; doubling the cost of corn, rice, milk, meat and gas just to be sure we’re squeezing folks for every spare dime they can muster just to get to work … so they can get screwed for what’s left at the end of the week by the usurious payday loan sharks. Lets ‘de-Regulate’ Banking.

I’d make sure the borders stayed open and make it easy for illegal immigrants to compete with desperate Americans looking for a second job…. even the lowest paying hot dog jobs. Call it ‘Immigration Reform’.

Then, I’d enact legislation to intercept their phone calls, watch their bank accounts, monitor their emails and register their guns, then use THAT information to REALLY stick it to them.. We’ll call it ‘The Patriot Act’.

Of course, since the real target is the American Dream… the American Way Of Life; I’d then administer the coup’ de gras & change the ‘standard of living’ to a whole new level… they’ll call it ‘The New Standard of Desperation’… I’d run the credit card and payday loan interest rates up to triple digits, cripple the American Mortgage Banks by cutting off their access to re-insurance and then clear the way for foreign owned banks to foreclose on millions of American homes. Kick middle-class America right to the curb.

Lastly; after getting all that done, I’d give myself, my cartel & corporate sponsors and my lackey congressional millionaires the summer off, hand ‘em all a big ‘ol fat tax cut, make it permanent & sit back in the lap of luxury and entertain myself by watching the workin’ folks fight over the crumbs.

I wonder if the ‘Mission Accomplished’ banner that was so proudly displayed on the USS Lincoln 5 years ago is still available. It’ll make a nice backdrop for the keynote speaker at the Islamic Jihad International Convention in Pakistan next year.

But, you know what?? We live in the United States of America. Thank the Lord; Jeezus. And, the people that we've been electing for the last 4 decades to represent us and protect us would never EVER let anybody get away with that,, would they?   
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Offline Torque

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Re: How about a "Million Taxpayer March"
« Reply #37 on: October 03, 2008, 03:44:51 PM »

What if what it costs you is Victory?

I believe that OBL and crew has been fighting this war right from the beginning with a strategy designed to specifically target where the United States is most weak.  That is fiscally.  We are a nation swimming in debt with mountains more looming on the horizon. We are also a nation with the most powerful military the planet has ever seen.  If YOU were committed to defeating such an opponent, where would you focus your efforts?  Clearly a battlefield won victory is not going to happen. But how about defeating your enemy be bankrupting him?

OBL I believe learned how to best defeat a superpower from Reagan. Force your fiscally weak enemy to spend himself into oblivion.  Al-Q has been even more effective at deploying such a strategy though it did take 13 years of trying,  culminating in the 9/11 attack before the US sat up and began playing his game. But since then we have been playing along exactly as OBL would wish.  Think about it.  If YOU were OBL and you wanted to end the ability of the United States of America to project power into the middle east how would you tackle the problem?  Would you think you could defeat the US on the battlefield?  Or would you determine that the US weakness was in the fiscal systems debt levels and devise a strategy aimed at exploiting this?

The winning Al-Q strategy is very simple:   trade each brainwashed 18 year old middle eastern kid with an AK-47 and IED's life for $10 million in US defense spending. Given that they have an unlimited supply of brainwashed youth to throw away and they have absolutely no qualms about seeing any number of them sacrificed this is a winning strategy that relies simply on patience more than anything else.

Now, I fear their strategy has yielded the victory they desire.  IF this fiscal system debacle that we seeing play out now continues down the path of collapse as I fear it will the War on Terror will be over as the US will not be able to fund the overseas operations. I believe OBL may have won.


well... someone gets it...

Offline Mr No Name

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Re: How about a "Million Taxpayer March"
« Reply #38 on: October 03, 2008, 04:06:48 PM »
Timofei, when you look at those debt figures, you need to realize this:  When Reagan first took office, the WW2 generation was just beginning to retire and we were, for the first time ever beginning to see the bills that FDR socialism left us.  In the Decades that have followed, they have been aging and we are now paying the bills that people in the 30's were trying to warn us would cripple our nation one day.  I am not blaming these old folks for the problem, I AM blaming socialism.  The scary thing is that now, it is almost time for baby boomers to start to retire... when that happens, the bottom will fall out.

FDR used trying economic times to give socialism a populist push to keep himself in power.  This debt will only increase unless something drastic is done to reign in entitlements.  They are the reason for this massive debt.  Nobody had to take blame for it because they did not begin to get cashed in en masse until the 80's.  If every person had put their money into just simple low interest bonds instead of sending it in to the Socialist Security Administration, they would be very well off by the time they retired.  Had they wisely invested the same cash in the stock markets, they may have amassed a fortune.

The problem is too much government.  If you think the debt is bad now, wait until we have a new tax increase which will slow investment and ultimately, our economy.  I know I wish I had more of my own money to save, that is for sure!
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