Ok Gents,now that the "Wyld-One" is back,(I regret its without the "Ghostriders"),
but I have every intention to keep the "Rough Rider" flag flying.
The 1138th Rough Riders is currently accepting those of you that dont
want to have to conform to any squad specifics and just enjoy the game
for what it is. Only requirements we have is, have a cool temper, good
sense of humor,and enjoy flying and fighting with your group.
We would like to deploy ourselves as a "support-wing" for some of the
other great and older squads that need us when called. The squad is called
a "bomber detachment", but that doesnt leave fighters or GV's out entirely.
Right now its just myself and "Acyotee". We're both older guys in our 40's
and are easy to get along with and get in there to have fun with it and learn.
Contact either myself or "Acytee" and help us get a new and adventureous
squad off the ground, and just maybe we'll make it big-time!