"Now they are very rare, and if you take a trip in one of them you will not get many fun fights. You just attrackts suicidal pilots. Doing wathever to get a shot at you"
That last sentence is EXACTLY why the chog shouldve, and imo, WAS perked. Too many of the loving 1 ticket 1 ping kill-sprayers around the arena. They dug their own grave in a sort of way. Its almost poetic.
You want the firepower? Pay a small amount of perks for it. Cant get 8 (or is it 7?) perks so you can fly your monster? You got an identical plane with SIX .50 cal guns. Just as deadly, but require you to ACM.
Ssssoooo... what is it you really want? The plane or the guns? The plane is there.. FOR FREE (D-Hog). The guns are there...FOR FREE (Tiffie).
It all bogs down to lack of ACM imo.
"A plane that can be so easely picked up by La7, 190D and P51 to mention some."
Yeah, those planes can EASILY pick and chew up a P-38, a C205, a Yak, 202, Ju88, TBM...wait a minute...so can D-Hog pick and chew these up! Maybe the problem is elsewhere. Hispano dependance perhaps? an F4u can very much hold its own in FLYING characteristics against all planes in the set.
"Good ordnance selection" D-Hog has more weapons of the same kind. No turbolaser though. (wait, is that it?).
70 perks for those planes is way too much I agree. But if you set it as a cheap perk you'd end up with lots of them. Say, 20 perks for them? Thats about the average 2 kill per flight pilot make about 10 or 12 sorties to pay for it.
"You know exactly which one it is without looking, don't you?"
Umm I dont. I see D-Hog pilots, spit pilots, pony pilots, 38 pilots *grin* , 205 pilots, jug pilots... a pretty mixed bunch.
Im glad its perked. Last 2 days ive been able to FLY through an engagement without having an f4u spraying big tracers my way. It felt GOOD.