"The P-39D is a much more formidable plane IMO then the Q here...."
less horse power, more wing gun weight, no wep.
I am just woundering, as our D model is a D-1 and is closer to a p-400 in power and such than a D-2.
Remember also with 39's being tail/mid body heavy, its a real easy plane to keep the nose up on, the fact the flaps do not come out till around 195mph, and the stall speed is useualy around 120 "90-95 with full flaps out" if pulling hard on the stick, it doesnt give you much room to turn with, and after +2 flaps out, they are more like airbrakes.
I prefer to only do 1 turn with a fighter max, after that you wount have the speed options to keep on fighting, try to do knife attacks, get in.. hit hard, get out.
Page up also works wounders for getting that realy good deflection shot, get some hits, keep on movin'.
She aint easy, but fun.