Author Topic: Breathing effects while pulling G  (Read 1326 times)

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Re: Breathing effects while pulling G
« Reply #45 on: January 05, 2009, 10:53:59 PM »
hehe bored one day when i was like 13, wanted to know what it was like JUST TO SAY I DID IT [which was stupid now that i think about it] and i had my buddy choke me out, pretty dumb, i blacked out for like a second, didnt hit the floor, and came too still standing and my body was numb, everything was spinning, it was just weird and your vision pulses when you walk, like the ultimate high if you ask me, but i advise no one here does it.
Hehe...  :rofl
He says he actually got to the age 13  :lol; alright now, lets stop pretending.  :noid

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