Author Topic: Who is Better? Rolling Thunder or Joker's Jokers?  (Read 6239 times)

Offline Bronk

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Re: Who is Better? Rolling Thunder or Joker's Jokers?
« Reply #210 on: December 30, 2008, 10:55:53 PM »
That's what i thought but i guess we're wrong. :noid

The game is imo, whatever you want it to be. if I wan to be a landgrabber it's my 15 bucks, if you want to be a furballer that's your choice. I never said one was "better" than the other. :salute
You totally missed the point. It's about combat.....not finding new ways to avoid combat.......also known as horde NOE.

The fast ones just seem to sail over their heads.
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Offline NoBaddy

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Re: Who is Better? Rolling Thunder or Joker's Jokers?
« Reply #211 on: December 30, 2008, 10:56:32 PM »
Does this mean you don't like my song?

SRI all honesty......I am blessed with a short attention span and the song was too long. Do it on the 'radio' some night and I can let you know. :D

I'm not certain if most people lack any sense of sportsmanship, or if most people who play games on the internet create some artificial barrier to rationalize the 'win at all costs' mentality. 

I've played online games of all sorts for many years now, and the one constant factor (for the vast majority of online gamers) is a complete and utter lack of respect for their opponents.  This is constant in all sorts of games, from online chess to AH to first person shooters to RPGs with a PVP aspect to sports games played on consoles.

I am not sure if I will really ever know the answer to that - I suspect that there is a dehumanizing element to playing games on the internet that makes it easier to toss out moral values, but if there were no consequences in the real world I also suspect that much of the same sorts of things would go on in real competitions (sports, games, etc).

I find it to be an interesting topic to think about, anyway.

Yes, it's a very interesting topic. I hold the opinion that the "community" of this genre is a victim of its own success. The fact that it is so cheap that kids can cut the lawn and have the money for a month's worth of play has cheapened the whole experience. There in, too many people have no respect for the game, much less the other people that play it. Heck, my experience with AW on AOHell lead me to suggest a $29.95 per month price for AH. I believed then that you would have a more dedicated and long lasting player base if they were "invested" in the game. While I can't fault Dale for choosing to go the $14.95 per route, I do bemoan the days where the players didn't simply strive for self-gratification...they understood that good opponents/opposition makes for a great game.

NoBaddy (NB)

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Offline B4Buster

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Re: Who is Better? Rolling Thunder or Joker's Jokers?
« Reply #212 on: December 30, 2008, 11:12:46 PM »
If I EVER caught a WM with stats like that they wouldn't be a WidowMaker much longer than the time it takes me to click the EJECT button.

 :salute Lute and other WMs, you got a real classy squad, fighting your guys is always a pleasure.
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Offline bmwgs

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Re: Who is Better? Rolling Thunder or Joker's Jokers?
« Reply #213 on: December 30, 2008, 11:36:13 PM »

That shows more clearly than anything else I've seen the difference between those of us who no longer enjoy the game, and those who do.  Or at least, the vast majority of those who do.

I had to read your post several times before I could at the very least understand it.  I'm still not sure I do.  I guess you are referring me asking the explanation of fair play and honor.  If that is the case, you did not answer the question, you and your partner NB decided to side track it with a bit of name calling.

I don't know how it was and really don't care.  That time has passed.  I have never played an on-line game until Aces High, and I am old enough to be most everyones father.  Explaining to me what honor and respect is, you don't have to, I know what exactly it is in real life.  I just don't understand what y'all believe it is in this fantasy world that evidently y'all have lived in way to long.

Maybe I don't get it, and maybe I never will, but one thing is for sure I will never resort to school yard antics with the silly name calling and smart arse remarks like y'all tend to do.  Maybe that's the adult in me, maybe it the common courtesy and respect that I have for fellow Aces High game members.

The bottom line is maybe you two first need to understand what respect is before you start accusing someone else of not having it.  As for honor and fair play.  I am still waiting for an explanation.  I play by the rules that HTC has provided, explain to me what else there is?

I will standby my statement, that this is a great game, I like playing it, and if you don't enjoy it, there is a simple fix to correct that.


I have to throw in a little correction,  maybe I will throw a little bit of a smart arse remark every now and then.   :)
« Last Edit: December 30, 2008, 11:39:52 PM by bmwgs »
One of the serious problems in planning the fight against American doctrine, is that the Americans do not read their manuals, nor do they feel any obligation to follow their doctrine... - From a Soviet Junior Lt's Notebook

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Re: Who is Better? Rolling Thunder or Joker's Jokers?
« Reply #214 on: December 31, 2008, 12:07:15 AM »
For all you little horde monkey land grabbers who think base taking/winning the war is what the game is all about.



Some play the game to fulfill the actual parameters that it was designed for, which is to overcome and conquer bases, and eventually the country, thus winning the war/game.

Your quote from Hitech was taken a bit out of context.  The response you posted from Hitech was in response to the above post concerning the parameters in which the game was designed for.  It was in a topic concerning ENY.  I didn't read past Hitech post, but it didn't look like he was directly referring to NOE's.

« Last Edit: December 31, 2008, 12:10:06 AM by bmwgs »
One of the serious problems in planning the fight against American doctrine, is that the Americans do not read their manuals, nor do they feel any obligation to follow their doctrine... - From a Soviet Junior Lt's Notebook

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Re: Who is Better? Rolling Thunder or Joker's Jokers?
« Reply #215 on: December 31, 2008, 12:16:45 AM »
I decided to read a little farther into the thread Bronk was referring to.  Since a few like to throw out Hitech's old quotes, here is one that should give a few some food for thought.

And it makes no difference what his reasons  are. If he is uping from a base and killing people, he is having an influence on the fight and field defense. If he is killing people at a field, he is influencing a base attack.

And as to 2 different games/play styles. There are a lot more than just 2.

Came from the same thread Bronk was referring to.


Sorry don't know how to do all that fancy link stuff.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2008, 12:19:38 AM by bmwgs »
One of the serious problems in planning the fight against American doctrine, is that the Americans do not read their manuals, nor do they feel any obligation to follow their doctrine... - From a Soviet Junior Lt's Notebook

Offline sunfan1121

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Re: Who is Better? Rolling Thunder or Joker's Jokers?
« Reply #216 on: December 31, 2008, 12:19:22 AM »
Muppets own all of you.  :aok
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Offline Delirium

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Re: Who is Better? Rolling Thunder or Joker's Jokers?
« Reply #217 on: December 31, 2008, 12:27:04 AM »
I wasn't going to bother responding to this thread as it has degenerated into a mud slinging poo fest, but I feel I need to address a couple issues.

Fred/Bmwgs, you seem like a nice guy and I did not intend to deprecate you or anyone else that wants to 'win the war'. I attempted to have you and a few others see my point of view, but I see now this was a complete waste of effort. I am sure quite a few of those interested in winning the war will get sick of it eventually and progress into furballers. For now, let's agree to disagree much as I did with Lynx in a previous thread.

Off topic: Del, why would you call us toolsheaders? I think I see you everytime landing 10 picks in a 38J, thats not toolsheading?

I'd be more than willing to duel you anytime, provided we are dueling for fun and not to prove anything or inflate egos. I think you will find I don't fly differently than most P38 drivers and probably a good deal worse than they do. If you are looking for an ego contest, look some where else.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2008, 12:50:46 AM by Delirium »
80th "Headhunters"
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Re: Who is Better? Rolling Thunder or Joker's Jokers?
« Reply #218 on: December 31, 2008, 12:34:31 AM »
My gawd, 15 pages and it didn't deserve 1. Albeit I am as much to blame as anyone for it's length.

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Offline bmwgs

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Re: Who is Better? Rolling Thunder or Joker's Jokers?
« Reply #219 on: December 31, 2008, 12:52:42 AM »
I wasn't going to bother responding to this thread as it has degenerated into a mud slinging poo fest but I feel I need to address a couple issues.

Fred/Bmwgs, you seem like a nice guy and I did not intend to deprecate you or anyone else that wants to 'win the war', I attempted to have you and a few others see my point of view. I see now this was a complete waste of effort but I am sure quite a few of those interested in winning the war will get sick of it eventually and progress into furballers. For now, let's agree to disagree much as I did with Lynx in a previous thread.

I'd be more than willing to duel you anytime, provided we are dueling for fun and not to prove anything or inflate egos. I think you will find I don't fly differently than most P38 drivers and probably a good deal worse than they do. If you are looking for an ego contest, look some where else.

Actually Delirum I did not realize that I was referring to you in any way.  I was just responding to some posts that were made.  I agree with you completely that we can agree to disagree, and I have no problem with that.  I really don't have an issue with any of this, its just sometimes you have to put your two cents in and that is what I did.  Plus I'm trying to get my post numbers up so I can be on the same level as the old timers.   :)

As for winning the war.  I really have no interest in that.  Some members of my squad do and I like them and I do assist them at certain times during the day/night when we are on.  I am usually the one that is furballing when they are running missions.  So don't get me wrong, I pork and bomb worse than I fight.

I guess the only issue I have is the so called old vets that resort to name calling and such.  The constant "its not like it used to be" "the game is at its all time low" and such in kind statements get old quick.  Several, and I do not mean all or most "Old Vet" show little respect to new players.  They make like there is some secret society going on here and it takes years to understand the fabric of this community.  Actually all you have to do is spend a couple of days reading the forums and its pretty simple to figure out how this community works.

I like a good debate, and this response to to all.  I do not have any hard feelings against anyone in the game.  Matter of fact even though I do monitor 200, I rarely respond.  If I do it is always in a respectfull way.
I do not have any hard feeling against anyone in this thread, just responding to various posts.  I don't expect everyone to agree, but then again that's what makes us difference.

Dog gone it, I got one more post!   :aok

 :salute Delirum

Fred, at work and to much time on his hands.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2008, 12:57:04 AM by bmwgs »
One of the serious problems in planning the fight against American doctrine, is that the Americans do not read their manuals, nor do they feel any obligation to follow their doctrine... - From a Soviet Junior Lt's Notebook

Offline Urchin

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Re: Who is Better? Rolling Thunder or Joker's Jokers?
« Reply #220 on: December 31, 2008, 06:21:31 AM »
I had to read your post several times before I could at the very least understand it.  I'm still not sure I do.  I guess you are referring me asking the explanation of fair play and honor.  If that is the case, you did not answer the question, you and your partner NB decided to side track it with a bit of name calling.

Sir - The difference is that you need/want an explanation, because you do not see the values of 'fair play' or 'honor' as being applicable to this game. 

I don't know how it was and really don't care.  That time has passed.  I have never played an on-line game until Aces High, and I am old enough to be most everyones father.  Explaining to me what honor and respect is, you don't have to, I know what exactly it is in real life.  I just don't understand what y'all believe it is in this fantasy world that evidently y'all have lived in way to long.

Again, this very clearly illustrates what I see as the difference between myself (and the small minority who see things like me) and you (and the vast majority of the online gaming 'community').  You seem to be saying that you understand the concepts of honor and respect, but you do not find them applicable to online games?  Is that correct?

Maybe I don't get it, and maybe I never will, but one thing is for sure I will never resort to school yard antics with the silly name calling and smart arse remarks like y'all tend to do.  Maybe that's the adult in me, maybe it the common courtesy and respect that I have for fellow Aces High game members.

The bottom line is maybe you two first need to understand what respect is before you start accusing someone else of not having it.  As for honor and fair play.  I am still waiting for an explanation.  I play by the rules that HTC has provided, explain to me what else there is?

I'm not sure exactly where I did any name calling or made any smart assed remarks, but if I offended you I apologize.  I have very clear concepts of what honor, respect, courtesy, and fair play - but I make no distinction between sitting across the table from someone playing chess and playing it over Yahoo.  The people on the other side of the screen are people that are just as real as I am, even if I'll never meet them face to face.  The curious dichotomy between values that are applicable 'in real life" and those applicable 'online' honestly puzzle me.  Can you explain to me (without taking offense, as I truly intend none) how you manage that? 

I will standby my statement, that this is a great game, I like playing it, and if you don't enjoy it, there is a simple fix to correct that.


I have to throw in a little correction,  maybe I will throw a little bit of a smart arse remark every now and then.   :)

I haven't truly enjoyed the game in years.  I kept coming back hoping that I would be re-captivated, but I always found myself disgusted with the gameplay in shorter and shorter time frames.  Cancelled my account for the final time in the Spring, and packed away the 'flight gear'.  I think that pretty much all of the people who feel the same way about this game as I did have also left in disgust.  I know there is a small group of people trying to change the course of the game, but that seems as futile to me as standing in the Mississippi and spreading your arms trying to dam the river.

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Re: Who is Better? Rolling Thunder or Joker's Jokers?
« Reply #221 on: December 31, 2008, 06:25:09 AM »
sunday night is the 412th squad nite. Bring your A'll need it. We'll be in the 51s  :salute


Just know....if you attack RT or Jokers, be on the look out of who's on the ground looking at you  :salute

« Last Edit: December 31, 2008, 06:28:15 AM by LTARadio »

Offline Fugita

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Re: Who is Better? Rolling Thunder or Joker's Jokers?
« Reply #222 on: December 31, 2008, 06:52:19 AM »
 :noid I see this thread is still alive and well. :noid

Offline bmwgs

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Re: Who is Better? Rolling Thunder or Joker's Jokers?
« Reply #223 on: December 31, 2008, 07:32:51 AM »
Sir - The difference is that you need/want an explanation, because you do not see the values of 'fair play' or 'honor' as being applicable to this game. 

Again, this very clearly illustrates what I see as the difference between myself (and the small minority who see things like me) and you (and the vast majority of the online gaming 'community').  You seem to be saying that you understand the concepts of honor and respect, but you do not find them applicable to online games?  Is that correct?

I'm not sure exactly where I did any name calling or made any smart assed remarks, but if I offended you I apologize.  I have very clear concepts of what honor, respect, courtesy, and fair play - but I make no distinction between sitting across the table from someone playing chess and playing it over Yahoo.  The people on the other side of the screen are people that are just as real as I am, even if I'll never meet them face to face.  The curious dichotomy between values that are applicable 'in real life" and those applicable 'online' honestly puzzle me.  Can you explain to me (without taking offense, as I truly intend none) how you manage that? 

I haven't truly enjoyed the game in years.  I kept coming back hoping that I would be re-captivated, but I always found myself disgusted with the gameplay in shorter and shorter time frames.  Cancelled my account for the final time in the Spring, and packed away the 'flight gear'.  I think that pretty much all of the people who feel the same way about this game as I did have also left in disgust.  I know there is a small group of people trying to change the course of the game, but that seems as futile to me as standing in the Mississippi and spreading your arms trying to dam the river.

Urchin I feel we have hijacked this thread.  It was not my intent, but it just seems that's the direction it took.  I want to respond to your above statements, so I am going to start a new topic in the discussion board.  It will simply be BMWgs and Urichin Discussion.  I hope you will participate because I still don't believe you understand what I am asking.  Maybe poor wording on my part, but none the less, I still don't think you understand what I am trying to ask or say.

I may not start this until tomorrow, since it is New Years Eve and I do have plans, but hopefully I can get to it this afternoon.  If you do not wish to continue this discussion, just let me know by PM and we will just let the issue drop.


One of the serious problems in planning the fight against American doctrine, is that the Americans do not read their manuals, nor do they feel any obligation to follow their doctrine... - From a Soviet Junior Lt's Notebook

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Re: Who is Better? Rolling Thunder or Joker's Jokers?
« Reply #224 on: December 31, 2008, 08:26:57 AM »
In reference to your post last night and today I see no difference it still sounds incoherent.

As for a EX member or members of our squad doing something that got them banned from the game well I'm sure that we are not the only squad that has had bad people in them, we of course would have reported them to HTC ourselves if it any wrong doing was know to us at that time and we may have kicked them from the squad already (it would be nice to know who you are talking about), so the point your trying to make is what to imply or to simply to cast aspersions on our squad I see no other value in your statement.

In your last statement you say that "some folk" are using the tools in the wrong way again implying that we do, I and all of my squad mates do take offence to that.

In your last line I and most of the good people and squads in any country would happen to agree with you, that the practices of all you mentioned is not condemned by enough people in order to curtail it.

If I don't respond to this post I would be negating my own values sorry for the delay<real life>.  OK.....firstly I must say your squad doesn't behave in the messures that you think I'm insinuating when I said "some folk".  A generalization to your words here
the fact is that we use the tools provided to us by HTC to meet our goals within the rules and if you don't, that I'm sorry to say, is your problem.

I was actually referring to the folk who blur rules and tools of AH with right and wrong.  It's right you can change sides every hour but it's wrong to Pm where missions are going or Cv locations. make it perfectly clear I wasn't insinuating your squad does apologies for the mix up.  Equally though I'm not retracting my statement about those who were banned.

If it's any cancellation I don't regard your squad with the same disdain as the other in the OP.  Clearly you show a better moral understanding of acceptable behaviour in the reply above. 

I'll try and find those 2 names so you know I'm not squad bashing for the sake of it.